166 Overwhelming (1/1)
”Back off!” The manager yelled as he jumped in front of Wang Yuvin, using his body as a shield from a possible attack from the bodyguard.
”Step aside, Mr. Manager. These men might label me a coward who needs protection from a feeble old man.” Wang Yuvin then moved forward, stepping in front of the manager.
”No, master. I might look weak, but this old man knows some martial arts moves!” To prove that he still had it in him, the manager even executed some martial arts stunts.
”Well, you might have a strong mind. But I doubt your bones will agree.” Wang Yuvin can only shake his head in disagreement and embarrassment.
”Sorry to interrupt your chitchat. Personally, I don't like violence. It's not good. Let's avoid that. My boss just wants to know who you are. Just tell us your name and we will let you walk out of this place in one piece, unharmed.” With an annoying grin on his face, the man slowly moved behind Wang Yuvin. Specifically positioning his self in Wang Yuvin's blind spot.
”Your boss seemed powerful and influential, right? Why can't he just have me investigated? He can just pay people to run a background check on me.” Soon after the man moved at his back, Wang Yuvin started to heighten up his senses. If ever the bodyguard decided to use a sneak attack against him he was prepared.
”Do you really think that my boss needs to do that when we can just squeeze the information we need from the source himself?” The bodyguard moved again, this time he was more cautious. He made sure that Wang Yuvin will not be able to pinpoint his exact location.
”Unfortunately, the source you are referring to, will not allow any of you to squeeze him dry for information.” Wang Yuvin calmly spoke as he shifted his eyes from one bodyguard to another and at the same time analyzing where exactly the man behind him was standing through carefully listening to his breathing.
”Let's see about that.” The man then put his right hand inside his pocket to reach out for the brass knuckles he had carried with him. Just when he had pulled the object out of his pocket and was about to slide it into his hand, the security people, approximately 50 or more came running towards them. The amount of security overwhelmed the bodyguard holding the brass the knuckles that his face paled and his hands dropped the knuckles down.
”Put your hands where we can see them! There are at least 50 of us here and there are still 50 more on standby. Does your leader not know about the Hideout's rules? How dare you threaten a major shareowner of this place?” The security personnel who seemed to be the owner of the group stepped in and spoke.
Though the temperature inside was 20 degrees Celsius, beads of sweat started forming on the forehead of the bodyguards who had surrounded Wang Yuvin and the manager earlier.
”I-I... W-we are just following orders and we did not know that this gentleman here is a shareowner.” The bodyguard behind Wang Yuvin stammered as he tried to give an explanation.
”Liar! I told you that the master is a shareowner. You have been warned!” The manager snarled at the bodyguard who just like his peers was now trembling in shock and fear.
Before the bodyguard can answer back, one of the security approached him because he noticed the brass knuckles on the floor.
”Were you going to use this to hurt the shareowner? You told us that you will need this to protect your boss! We shall confiscate this at once!Guys, search their pockets for other weapons and confiscate them! This act of violence against a shareowner will not go unpunished.” The security then checked and searched the body of the men in black suits. They then found other weapons and confiscated them. After the short commotion, the security personnel who seemed to be the leader approached Wang Yuvin and the manager.
”Sir, what do you want us to do to them?” He asked.
”Lock them in a room for now. There is no use in interrogating them since they are just following orders. What I want you and your team to do is go upstairs and bring their leader to me.” Wang Yuvin said with a quick devious smile.