159 Why canst you help her sometimes? (1/1)
The entire villa was almost silent except for Wang Yuvin's room where noises of keyboard typing and mouse clicking can be heard. It was already 10 in the evening yet the man of the Wang household was still wide awake and was busy doing a background check on the other shareowners of the Hideout.
Since Wang Yuvin got hold of the list of the other shareowners yesterday, he decided that it would be the best for him to know the strengths and weaknesses of those people just in case that any of them was an enemy or turned out to be an enemy.
He was in the middle of his investigation when the door of his room suddenly swung wide open. He then turned around and saw his niece walking towards him while carrying her pet cat in her arms.
”Uncle! Uncle! Do you know why mama is still not yet home?” The little girl's voice was full of worry.
”I have not seen her today and I don't want to sleep without seeing her.”
”Aww, come closer dear, let uncle give you a hug.” Wang Yuvin replied as he wrapped his niece in his tight embrace.
”Your mother is probably still on a business meeting. She is busy with the preparations for the upcoming event.” Wang Yuvin added as he gently stroke Europa's head.
”Why mama must do all the work? Why can't you help her sometimes? You are old enough to work in the office, right uncle?” Europa then tilted her head up to meet her uncle's gaze.
Before he gave his answer to the little girl, Wang Yuvin took a deep breath first and sat Europa and Misha in the computer chair while he knelt down in front of her to explain about things.
”You see, your mother is the CEO of Wang Hotel and Casino, that is why she spends most of her time at work especially now that the hotel which was named after you, Oriental Europa, will be hosting a big time event by the end of the month.” Wang Yuvin spoke slowly and clearly, making sure that he never missed any bit of information.
”... as for me, I am not yet finished with my studies and there is a lot of things for me to learn before I can be of help to your mother. But don't worry, once I graduate, I will take the CEO responsibility from your mother so that the two of you can spend more time with each other.” Wang Yuvin said as he gently pinched Europa's cheeks.
”Owkay~ Thank you, uncle!” Europa then gave her uncle a big hug.
”Anything for you, dear. By the way, it is already late, kids like you should be sleeping now. You can sleep on my bed whilst we wait for your mother to arrive.”
”Can Misha sleep on your bed too?” Europa asked with her eyes sparkling brightly.
”Of course. Misha is also welcome to sleep on my bed.” Wang Yuvin then carried the little girl to the bed and tucked her and her cat in.
”Thanks, Uncle Yuvin.” Europa said in almost a murmur as she comfortably lay on the bed.
”Have a good night sleep, dear.” Wang Yuvin said as he stood up to sit in front of his computer to pick up where he left off.