90 Extreme Shock (1/2)
”B-boss? Is that you, boss?” With a look of doubt on his face, Hanzo asked.
”Don't tell me you can't even recognize my voice, Hanz?” Wang Reiji replied, her eyes full of disappointment.
”Waaa! Boss! I'm sorry! I didn't recognize you right away! You look totally different!”
”Of course! How can you call this a disguise if one can easily see through it? Now, now, how should I trick Gianna?”
”Haha, are you testing us if we can recognize you even if you are in a disguise?”
”Nope. I just really want to make fun of you.”
”Why are you like that, boss? Do you only have a little regard for us subordinates?” Hanzo frowned, pretending as if Wang Reiji's words had hurt him.
Wang Reiji gave out a gentle chuckle before she took another sip of the white wine.
”Stop it, Hanz. You're terrible at acting, you know? Anyway, we need to go now. We still have lots of things to prepare.”
Hanzo nodded his head in approval. He then signaled the waiter to give him the bill. Right after paying, they stormed out of the restaurant and drove straight to Royal Regent condo corp.
After almost 45 minutes of driving, Wang Reiji and Hanzo arrived at the place. They then ascended to the 27th level of the building where Gianna's room was situated.
Upon arriving in front of the room, Hanzo used his keycard to unlock the door. As soon as the door swung open, a traditional Chinese hairpin was speeding fast towards his face, particularly aimed in his eye. He was able to swiftly dodged the hairpin but was too late to recall that Wang Reiji was standing right behind him. With a worried look on his face, he immediately turned his body around only to see Wang Reiji holding the hairpin in between her fingers. He then heaved a sigh of relief the instant he saw Wang Reiji was unharmed. In return, Wang Reiji gave him a puzzled look and signaled him to go inside.
Hanzo then stood up and continued to walk inside the room. He was just about to land his second step when another hairpin was flying fast toward him. Unfortunately, he was too shocked to move quickly and was about to get hit. Luckily, Wang Reiji was quick enough to grab him by the collar as she kicked the speeding object away from them.
”Hanzo! You stupid googly eyes! Didn't I tell you to leave all the keycards behind?! How dare you come and go as you please like this is your damn house?!”
Gianna was fuming very hard as if she was a wildfire ready to devour anyone or anything in her path. She was about to reach out to Hanzo and give him a good punch in the face but Wang Reiji's presence startled her.
However, Gianna failed to see through her boss' disguise. She then raised her right eyebrow and scanned Wang Reiji from head to foot.
”Huh! Now you are bringing a girl in this condo unit like this place is some cheap motel room!” She said as she continued to attack Hanzo. When her fist was about to reach the poor guy, she stopped midair and instead took her phone out from her jeans' pocket and dialed Wang Reiji's personal number.
”Never mind googly eyes! I'll call the boss and tell her that you are turning my condo unit into a prostitution den!” Soon after she dialed Wang Reiji's phone number, it began to ring.
However, in exactly the same moment, the phone of the woman whom Hanzo brought in with him also started ringing much to Gianna's annoyance.