33 Its Showtime! (1/2)

Codename:Phoenix basabookk 22750K 2022-07-23

At exactly 6:10 pm Wang Reiji left her office.

According to Zhang Chenric's schedule, he had a business gathering to attend to around 7pm later.

She rushed to the tower's parking area where her assistant RenTao was already waiting for her.

They got inside the car and headed back to the Villa.

When they reached their destination, RenTao politely excused himself and went his way home.

Once Wang Reiji got inside the house, she instructed her twin servants Ai and Bai to prepare her dinner.

She quickly went inside her room to change her clothes. She donned a fresh set of comfortable clothing before heading down the dining hall.

Actually, she's not hungry. It's just that she needs to put up an act to avoid arousing suspicions. She's in this mission alone, except for Hanzo who will serve as her lookout later.

After she finished eating, she gathered all her servants and bodyguards. She ordered them not to disturb her for she wants to have a good rest. She also gave them a warning.

”Punishment awaits those who'll disobey my words. I want to have a good sleep tonight, so don't disturb me. If any of you have something to say, contact RenTao instead. Did I make myself clear?”

”Yes, ma'am!” Everyone around answered in unison.

After giving her orders she directed to her room. Once she's inside, she immediately locked the door and went straight to her bathroom.

She took a quick a shower. Put on her undies and donned a black leather catsuit.

She blow-dried hair before pulling it to a ponytail. She wore a pair of comfortable black boots to complete her look.

She then grabbed her phone and dialed Hanzo's number.

”Hanz, I'm ready.” She said in a calm voice.

”Okay, boss. You have exactly one minute to sneak out of your room. I'll mess up your house's power supply and disable your security system, which includes your CCTVs and electric wire. We cannot go beyond a minute, we cannot risk to put your servants, especially your bodyguards in panic.”

Hanzo explained the details and gave precautions.

”Okay, I understand.”

”Let's synchronize our time. It's already 7:45 pm on my clock. I'll disable the system at 7:46 pm. Good luck, boss.”

”Thanks, Hanz!”

Wang Reiji immediately ended the phone call after getting all the details she needed.

She took a deep breath as she moved closer to one of her windows.

She then set her eyes to the wall clock as she began to countdown.






It's showtime!

She only had 60 seconds to get herself out her Villa! The time frame was indeed too short and she can only rely on the moon for light.

Wang Reiji wasted no time and quickly opened her window.

She immediately jumped off and carefully landed herself on the low level roof right under her room window.