Chapter 209: The lost era and the present (2/2)

A frown appeared on his face when he noticed that the plant they were staring at had suffered the same thing as the blessed plant he saw recently. The leaves of the plant were eaten by insects.

He decided to come near them and greet them but unfortunately, they were not as friendly as he thought. They were even whispering to each other. Perhaps saying not to socialize with him.

The two girls and one boy looked younger which he believed were juniors and the two guys with them were seniors. There were a total of five of them, standing at the roadside.

Such a large group for the task of gathering. Well, coming to the mountain together with friends must be an enjoyable experience for most. But Yman had never been a fan of exploring with friends. After all, he never had a friend in the first place. Although he met some people and able to converse with them, he could not just assume that they were his friends without knowing what they truly felt about him:

After scratching the back of his head, he decided to not mind them. He passed by and continued walking towards his task.

Sistela who was resting on his shoulder asked him.

Looks like they have the same thought towards those groups of people.

He too believed that they were the people from different alchemy departments. Perhaps they were seeing him as a rival. It explained the reason for their unfriendly attitude towards him.

In any case, he had to focus on his task.

”Uhm, wait…!” Yman was about to continue walking when one of the girls screamed out.

Yman stopped deliberately and glanced behind him. He saw them staring at him. The girl with big eyes and a pair of raccoon ears was staring at him with a face that wanted to ask.

He turned around and faced them. ”Yes?” He asked.

”U-uhm… err…” looks like she wanted to say something but also having a second thought. He was staring at her, waiting for what she would say.

But suddenly, ”No need to bother him, Achan,” said one of the slightly older male with the same raccoon ears. He had coffee black medium hair that combed on the side. His almond eyes had brownish pupils. And he had little thick eyebrows and a cone face. His hands were tucked inside his long jacket's pocket.

And aside from all of that, he was staring at him with a distrustful face.

The other girl with them tried to pull the girl that they called Achan. They then passed by at him. Yman stared at their back that went farther every second.

Achan briefly glanced at her back. Yman was puzzled though.

He sighed and glanced at the magical plant that lost all its leaves. 'Must be the work of the gluttonous insects,' he thought.

Then he decided to continue walking.

Yman arrived at the foot of the mountain at exactly 2 and a half hours of walking.

He stopped and took the paper from his Cyber Storage. It was the paper handed to him by Prof. Ronnie. Written in there were different kinds of herbs and the description of the location where he might find them.

The first herbs written in the list was the herb known as Teardrop Magical Herb. He wondered who named this herb.

Stated in the paper that he can find it on the left side of the mountain. In the place surrounded by thorny plants.

About 300 meters from the foothill and 100 meters left of the huge rock.

Sistela asked when she noticed the confused face of her partner while staring at a piece of paper in his hands.

”N-nothing this paper is messing with me.”

Yman disregarded the stupefy Sistela. He glanced around to locate the said huge rock. But based on his vision, he could not find it at his current location.

He started climbing the mountain after a gulp of water.

He had to walk around the mountain, without exceeding the given perimeter. Although he would not lose because of Sistela's ability to map the area, the time would be consumed if he loitered away from the designated measure.

Yman wondered and walked to the left side of the mountain. Following the direction stated in the paper of about 300 meters from the foothill.

He asked Sistela to tell him if she found a huge rock.

After almost another half hour of walking,

He heard his Deity shouted. Although she shouted, her voice wasn't big. After all, she was a tiny figure only.

But her voice was clear enough for him.

Out of reflex, he glanced to where she was pointing.

Ahead of them, a huge rock was sitting stably on the mountainside.

From thereon, he had to count about 100 meters towards its left.

It was 9 a.m. and the sun rays were embracing him. He let the warm sensation caress his skin as he proceeded.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the place where they saw the thorny plants.

But Yman suddenly gawked.