Chapter 124: Demonic beast (2/2)

”Let's go! Just maneuver it the way you maneuver the original!” Yman shouted.

Instead of a rope, a long whisker was connected to its beak, Yman lifted which made the bird slowly hover in the air. He also felt the skeptical hold from someone behind him.

Tiafel copied what he did, then the bird she was riding with slowly hovered.



Out of a sudden, someone hopped behind her.

”Eh!!!” She screamed in shock.

They glanced and saw a spiky red hair dude behind her.

Everyone frowned.

”Ember Lupine!!!” Aegor and Taflas yelled.


”Gwahahaha, yo' Cinder bro!” He said with a broad laugh.

Yman glanced below and saw a guy with identical features with the girl behind him. ”Do you know him?” He asked.

”H-He's my b-brother…” she said with reservation.

”I see, no wonder…” he replied.

”Hehehe,” Ember grinned. He had no idea what happened, but that person seemed close to his twin. He remembered the guy, he was the person who protects Miss Ella from the attackers in the public square.

”Ehhhhh!” Tiafel screamed in nervousness. The man behind her was no other than the young master of the Lupine family! Will he kill her? She doubted.

”How did you—”

”We don't have time to talk! Girl fast, fly this thing!” He commanded Tiafel.

They noticed the giant scary beast coming rapidly.

”Eh! O-okay!”

Aegor and Taflas had no choice as well.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Three birds flew at a constant speed below the clouds.

In the sky, the bird where Tiafel and Ember were riding gilded closer to the bird where Yman and Cinder rode.

”Hey, dude! Are you courting my brother?”


”What are you talking about Ember!?” For some reason, Cinder was the one who replied.

”Gwahahaha! Look at your face, you're so flustered! It can't be happening to my brother!” He shouted.

Yman was wondering what this person was talking about.

Regardless, this person's magical aura was so strong. As expected of the experts of the Lupine family. They were on another level compared to ordinary experts.

He smiled. Truly, the empire was littered with strong people.

”Nonetheless, where have you been this whole time?!” Cinder asked her brother.

”Guwahaha, I was sent to the northern part together with that Hilion Gustav!”

He replied. Yman's ears piqued an interest towards the name, ”Do you mean… Gilion Gustav?” He asked.

Ember glanced at him with narrowed eyes, ”Gilion Gustav is the younger brother of Hilion,” he told him.

”Hmm, I see.”

”Ember, did you fight with Hilion?” Cinder asked.

”Bro, if I did that, I may have already gone here,” he replied with a can't be helped face.

”Pufft, so you're afraid,” teased him.

”This brother of mine, you become more talkative than usual. That guy was together with his guards, it was suicide for me if I'd challenge him. Nonetheless, that guy and the other experts from the great family already entered the second barrier.”


Cinder fell silent. She wondered what this brother of her talking about that she was more talkative than usual.

Yman grinned. Looks like this competition will not be an easy one.

Ember was puzzled as well, this was the first time he saw his sister acting so girly. And look, she was hugging that person's back! Grrrr! No matter what, he would punish him if that guy hurt her!

But he could not think of a reason for how these two become so close.


His contemplation was ended when they heard a loud howl from behind them.

Ember glanced and saw a large bird with fierce-looking eyes and a long tail. It had reddish color and long horns protruding on its head. Its body was exuding with a dark aura.

”Damn! Demonic Beast!” He shouted.

”Eeeeeeehhhhh!!!” The others shouted too.

Fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh!

Violet flashed trailed from their back. The bird [Fire Dolls] swayed left to right when the Demonic Beast started raining attacks on them.

Yman was focused on evading. It would be bad if that thing hit them.

”Damn it!” Ember spat a curse and sent a fireball at it.

It hit the incoming violet flash of energy and caused a strong explosion and created a dense amount of smoke. From the smoke, the Demonic Beast's body shot within the smoke and pierced through it. However, it was greeted by another fireball when it came out of the smoke.

Another loud explosion had happened in the air.