Chapter 121: Explosion (1/2)
”I wonder if the boss and the others already killed that noble expert.” A person on the tree branch muttered to the person beside him.
”Ofcourse, did you hear that explosion just now? They definitely killed him already,” replied the person beside him.
”Fufufu, joining a party in a competition like this is a good choice,” the former muttered.
”Of course, do you think we can kill those experts without joining hands?” The latter questioned.
”That's impossible,” exclaimed the former.
”!! —Ssshh!” Signalled the latter while putting his index finger on his mouth.
”Wha—? Why?”
”Look, someone came out of the cave.”
The other guy whispered and pointed.
”Oh I see.”
”Five people?”
”Yeah, and this aura.”
”One of them is an expert!”
”You watch them, I go and call the boss! Hehe this is great, we can complete the required points for sure!”
Whoosssssssshh!!! His figure disappeared from the trees.
A moment later, he came back with a burly person together with 10 other people. Most of them were from the Boar Tribe and Lizardmen.
Half human half boar people were known by their burly figure. Although they don't have pig-like noses, they do have pig ears. Most of their male even have big fangs.
On the other hand, Lizardmen looked more reptilian, if not because they stood on their two feet, they definitely indistinctable with the real one.
They immediately went into the position while peeking under the cover of bushes and tree leaves.
Most Lizardmen were good in hiding because of their ability to camouflage. They were good assassin as well and a warrior.
Boarmen on the other hand were well-known battle freaks. They were the berserkers in the battlefield that feared by many. There was an old knowledge in the empire, that Boarmen and Wolfmen were a rival tribe. They mostly quarreled and fought about who was the real monster in the battlefield.
The leader of the group was a Boarman. With a body that stood at most 7 feet. With arms that are as big as the trunk of a coconut tree.
He was wearing a faded brown color pants. Aside from the two big chain that were crossed on his chest, he was on his bare skin. The most striking feature of him was his muscles that looks like a well-sculpted stone.
Resting on his shoulder was a large Axe.
”Boss Breegoria, there they are,” pointed the person awhile ago.
”Gwarharhar, a beardy, two Encan people, and... a red-haired wolf girl eh? A noble from Canine Sect. Perhaps from the Lupine Family. Harhar, this is great. Based on her magical aura, she must be a 1-star False Path expert. Those three on the other hand, were below. They are weaklings….. Wait, who is that person with them?”
”Eh? Maybe just an extra boss,” said the person who reported. This person was from the Lizardmen Tribe.
”Purffft! Good Job, Berlin(name of the lizardmen who reported)!” Breegoria said while patting the shoulder of Berlin who only as tall as his waist.
”Hmm… Based on his magical energy that I perceive from him, he looks like he is the weakest among them. However, that armor he was wearing, it gives a feeling that it is not an ordinary armor. He probably comes from a noble family,” added Breegoria.
While staring at the mysterious guy who was wearing a black armor with a hood, Breegoria thought that he looked familiar to him, but he could not remember where he saw him.
Anyway, that guy seemed exhausted and looked weak. He couldn't even feel a strong magical aura from him.
He squinted his eyes and ordered all his men to scatter and surround them. They would probably have noticed their presence later since Encan and Wolfmen were known for their keen senses.
However, Breegoria wasn't bothered by it. When they perceived their presence, it would be already too late for those people. His men perhaps already surrounded this area when that happened.
Looking at those people, Breegoria believed that both of them had quite a number of points on their heads, he could also loot their foods and equipment before killing them. Just like what he did to that last victim. That guy even though he was a noble, he cried like a baby and even beg him to not kill him. Fufu, too bad, Breegoria wasn't a kind person.
Breegoria licked his lips while staring at the red-hair girl with wolf ears. ”It will be fun… Garharhar!” He laughed.
Their yellowish eyes peeking from the bushes and tree leaves. They were like predators who were ready to hunt their prey. They could not charge blindly as it would startle their prey and some of them might be able to escape. They needed to lock their escaped route.
Their movements were so silent, that even when they stepped on a dry branch of trees, there was no noise produced.
Most of them were experts in reconaisance and assassination. This skill of stepping a tree branch and avoid making a noise was easy-peasy for them.
They just needed to use a skill on their feet known as [Noise Canceler]. It was a medium tier spell that was taught in the academy of magic.
Weeeeeeweeeew! When everyone finally took on their position, Breegoria heard a signal from one of his men.
He lifted his arm to signal for a charge.
”Boss, what are those?” Berlin beside him suddenly asked while pointing to their targets.