Chapter 67:The person you used to look down (2/2)
”So that's the last pair, huh.”
”I guess.”
”Then, are we free to leave now?”
The other trainees started to leave.
”Oh, so that's the last pair?” The chief asked.
”Probably.” Mayor Chan replied.
”Fufu. Well, we did see a very entertaining performance from these trainees.”
”Kuku.” Principal Mar laughed.
Yman was in dismay. He wanted to try this duel too. But somehow, he had something more important needed to do.
”Sir Goki,” everyone stopped on their feet after hearing this familiar voice.
Goki and Yman glanced at where the voice came from.
”Y-Young Miss?!” Goki with a little shock in his voice called out her name.
”When is my turn to duel?” She asked.
Yman glanced at Goki.
Goki had a sour face. Like he gulped something awful. He forgot her!!!, he thought.
Almina just came back from tending on Kesha.
”Oh right, the strongest girl had yet to duel. Fufufu. How forgetful of you Instructor Goki, sir.” Beth said sarcastically.
If Kiko was the strongest male trainee, then Almina was probably the strongest female trainee. But actually, this is just their assumptions, since no actual ranking yet.
Goki immediately announced the last duel.
”Okay, this is the last duel, Almina Amulet versus Yman Talisman! Hah~” Goki announced with a sigh.
Yman with the face like it was his last day of being alive walked towards Goki and whispered, ”Instructor Goki, sir, are you perhaps intentionally tried to feed me to the abyss?”
Yeah, he wanted to duel, but not to the final boss!
”Ugh,” Goki felt he choked his own. He then put his hand on Yman's shoulder and said in a somber voice, ”Kid, I did all I could but a miscalculation happened.”
Yman narrowed his eyes from Goki's reply, |So, it was your fault after all!| He exclaimed inwardly after realizing that Goki did something all this time.
He wanted to preach it to the instructor, but Yman thought that it can't be helped now. He sighed in defeat as he thought, |So, that's why no one called to challenge me, huh.| He remembered the murmurs from other trainees.
”Regardless, can I pre-register for medical insurance?” He asked seriously.
Goki glanced at Yman and noticed he's serious, ”Pft,” Goki was about to burst out laughing but managed to hold it.
Almina who was having a red face at the moment was wondering what these two were whispering about.
Her heart was racing like someone drumming inside. She's not nervous, it's just, she did not expect that she would be fighting him.
In any case, it was also her chance to punish him right?, for forgetting her — that is. She will make sure that he will never forget her again, fufu.
After hearing Yman's question, ”Pft! Although, life is beautiful and you are still young. But d-don't worry kid, even your funeral will be on my expense.” Goki replied while tears were about to appear at the corner of his eyes because of trying to hold his laughter that about to burst out.
”And now you're expecting me to die, huh. How mean.” He said as he exhaled slightly while closing his eyes.
Seeing his reaction, ”Man up, kid, cheer up!” Goki tried to cheer him up while tapping on his shoulder repeatedly.
Actually, he started to think of him as someone like a younger brother to him.
Almina chose a dual sword as her weapon. And Yman chose a sword too but paired it with a magic-based pistol.
”A pistol and sword?” Bob asked in doubt.
”Fufufu, I wonder how this duel will come out,” Keremi muttered.
Originally, Yman wanted to use a shield and a pistol like Kesha. But he realized that he would become a training dummy against Almina's speed.
The Chief and Mayor were having curious faces. And the judges were excited to see Almina abilities.
They didn't have any expectations towards her enemy. That was the guy they hated.
Kiko on the sideline was having a fierce look on his face, thinking that if that Froggy touched even the slight hair of Almina, he would grill him on the spot!
When Almina and Yman were facing at each other in the center, only Almina who shouted resonance. The people around were puzzled.
”What? Will he give up?”
”No way, that is against the rules!”
Kiko grinned, ”Hehe, that guy is afraid!”
”No balls! Ahaha!”
”Man up, Toad!” Bruno shouted.
Chloe smirked, ”Look at the person you guys used to look down, he managed to succeed first before us in controlling the mana.” She mumbled and looked at Yman with a smile. Then silently said her 'Goodluck'.
Until one of the trainees noticed a collar on Yman's neck, ”No. Look! He was in resonance already!”
”Resonance already?”
”He's in resonance already? What?”
When they looked at Yman's neck, they saw a collar.
”He already mastered the mana control?” Beth asked with widened eyes.
The others could not believe it. Almina was shocked also. But for some reason, she felt proud of him. Like, that person belong's to her.