Chapter 45:The Genius Berserk (1/2)

Level Up Legacy MellowGuy 37760K 2022-07-23

Jin's steps were heavy as he walked toward the tent, but not as heavy as his heart. He wished that Erin would be in his right mindset, away from his usually unruly deeds. Even though he was a capable person, a good leader, he took everything for granted since he was a descendant from one of the main families.

”Erin said to not disturb him.” The guards at the tent's entrance blocked his way, and he felt his patience wearing thin. Not allowing visitors while he was with a prisoner was not a good sign.

”I have urgent news. Let me in.” Jin held back his anger and tried to be diplomatic. The two guards looked at each other before one of them spoke out.

”You can tell me the news and I'll relay it.”

His facade finally snapped, as mana surged from Jin's body. Before the two guards could react, a giant armored minotaur appeared behind the thin man. They tried to use their abilities to defend themselves, but the summoned monster swung its giant club at them before they had the time.

With the sound of breaking bones and screams, the two guards flew toward the tent's entrance, crashing inside. Jin crossed the meeting room toward Erin's living quarters, walking by the groaning guards. He didn't know or inform Erin of his visit as he directly ventured into Erin's bedroom.

He saw Erin, standing a few feet away from him, with Hazel a few feet more behind him tied to a poll. Jin's eyes studied Hazel and he saw bruise marks on her neck and collarbone. Her clothes were in a mess and he heard her muffled sobs.

”What do you think you're doing?” Erin took a step forward as mana surged from his body. Jin turned his gaze toward him and he felt the suffocating pressure pressing down on his body. He was a summoner while Erin was a berserker rumored to hold the legacy of an ancient warlord, making his strength a cut above the others.

”That should be my line. What,” The minotaur appeared behind him. His anger skyrocketed. ”Are,” Jin took a step forward, glaring at Erin straight in the eyes as six-limbs bear appeared next to him. The room now looked smaller than it was before. ”You,” His mana surged as armor appeared on his body. ”Doing?” Jin and the two summoned monsters launched their attacks.


Hazel opened her eyes to see Jin standing at the entrance. She drew deep breathes as if the air was stolen from her until now, which was kind of true. The bruises on her neck bespoke of what had happened earlier, but the humiliation hurt far more than any physical wounds she had. To be deprived of mana, tied to a pole, and having someone suffocate her as she begged for air was an experience that would forever haunt her, a stigma on her pride that no amount of logic could wash away.

She was weak. So utterly weak.

She hated this, hated being forced to come here by her family, hated being a weakling that needed to bow down to live, hated being unable to take revenge on the disgusting person who assaulted her.

”If you don't talk,” She remembered his words as they cut into her soul. ”Torture would be the best you hope for.” Shivers of fear crawled over her skin. She wanted to stop thinking about them, but she could not. They kept being repeated: the words, his hands touching her defenseless body, and the worse of all was her begging.

”Do you know what is worse than pain?” He grinned from ear to ear, ”You know, don't you?” His hands traced her body defiling it. ”It's the humiliation of your freedom being taken away from you.”

She closed her eyes when she heard those words. She didn't want to open them. She wished this would disappear. Why did this happen? It was all because she brought Arthur to the camp. She thought nothing of it at that time, but now it was her greatest regret. Even for a little, from a corner in her heart whispered a voice of how she hated that young man, someone who saved her life.

It was then that a booming sound and scream echoed in the tent, making Erin turn around and let go of her. After she opened her eyes, she saw Jin was there with his summoned monsters. Those powerful monsters that she can never summon, cutting a clear gap between her and her childhood friend.

The battle between the summoner and the berserk soon commenced, two teammates who were now enemies. With his two summoned monsters, Jin had an advantage in numbers and versatility. However, the title of the genius berserk wasn't just for the show. Erin's body shone dangerous red aura as he roared and bolted toward one of the monsters.

With monstrous strength, Erin showed a clear advantage over the berserk. After several blows between the two, blood started leaking from Jin's mouth signifying his internal injuries. His bear was missing one of its front claws and his minotaur had a deep wound in its abdomen. This was the strength of a genius, Jin let out a hollow laugh.