Chapter 848: Map (1/2)
Gravis looked at the map, and as soon as he did, he was glad that he came back for it. If he had continued south, he wouldn't have reached the beasts' territory.
The map was very crude and not detailed at all, but it showed the positions of all the Peak Sects and the beasts' territory. However, that was it. There were no villages, cities, areas of interest or anything like that. It only showed these six things.
The five Peak Sects were placed all around the world, about the same distance between each one of them, except for one.
In the middle of the world was a gigantic forest, which was basically entirely blanked out. It took up around 20% of the map.
This was the beasts' territory.
The entire core of the map was nothing but beast territory. However, only 20% of the world belonged to the beast. Gravis had known that the humans probably had more territory than the beasts, but not by so much. There were probably many times more humans than beasts in this world.
The world was split into five regions. As previously stated, the core of the world was one region, and it belonged to the beasts. The other four regions were north, east, south, and west of the beasts' territories.
How were these areas split?
By gigantic rivers!
20% of the world belonged to the beast, but 10% of the world was also filled with water. There were four rivers coming out of the beasts' territory, which stretched across the entire map. These four rivers took up 10% of the entire map.
From the position of the beasts' territory, the rivers were at the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast.
However, the rivers didn't perfectly leave at one corner and exit the map on a corner.
In actuality, the rivers were curved.
For example, the northwestern river came out of the northwestern corner of the beasts' territory, but as soon as it left the beasts' territory, it made a curve towards the west. It basically went from northwest to north-north-west and then to just directly west.
The northeastern river did the same thing, but it went more towards the east instead.
The same thing was mirrored with the southern rivers. They also stretched more towards the east and the west, respectively.
This meant that the five territories of the world didn't have the same size. Due to the rivers' curvature, the northern and southern territories were far bigger than the eastern and western territories. In fact, the northern territory was about 2.5 times the size of the western territory, for example.
The eastern and western territories had about the same size, same with the northern and southern territories.
So, to put the distribution of size into numbers.
20% of the world belonged to the beasts in the middle.
10% of the world belonged to the water in the four rivers.
25% of the world belonged to the northern territory.
25% of the world belonged to the southern territory.
10% of the world belonged to the eastern territory.
10% of the world belonged to the western territory.
Now, the question was, how does one distribute five Peak Sects across four territories?
Sadly, distributing the territory evenly was impossible. Because of that, two Sects shared the northern territory, while every other region had one Peak Sect.
The western half of the northern territory belonged to the Nine Elements Sect, and Gravis was currently even further to the northwest of this territory.
The eastern half of the northern territory belonged to the All-Matter Sect. These two Sects shared the northern territory since it was so big.
However, even though they shared one territory, their territory was still larger than the territories of the Peak Sects that owned the eastern and western territories. After all, half of 25% is 12.5%, and 12.5% is more than 10%.
The western territory belonged to the Primordial Force Sect. If Gravis had continued to travel south, he would have arrived at the gigantic river. After that, he would have entered the territory of the Primordial Force Sect. Additionally, Gravis had been heading towards the core of the Primordial Force Sect. At that point, his beast body would have been discovered.
Because of that, Gravis was glad that he had returned to get a map.
The eastern territory belonged to the Purist Sect.
As Gravis watched the map, he somehow felt that the Primordial Force Sect and Purist Sect were cut off from others. It was like they were on their own islands.
However, they were not as cut off as the Life Sect.
The Life Sect was in the southern territory, alone!
The entire 25% of the southern world belonged entirely to the Life Sect, which was crazy!
Yet, Gravis was sure that it wasn't that simple. There was probably more to it.