Chapter 644: There Can Only Be Two (1/2)
The three level four Emperors arrived one after the other.
First, the level four Emperor from the north arrived and waited for Gravis to announce the reason why he had called him here.
For now, Gravis ignored him.
Then, the clam arrived, and she glared at the level four Emperor from the north while he glared back. At least, Gravis thought that she glared. It was hard to discern the facial expressions of a clam.
Lastly, the level four Emperor from the west arrived, and surprisingly, he didn't go to the other land beast Emperor. Instead, he took up a third position. He didn't glare at either of them, but Gravis could feel that he was not a fan of either of the two. The same thing was true for the northern level four Emperor, who looked with venom at the western level four Emperor.
Gravis scratched his chin as he noticed that. 'Interesting,' he thought.
”Alright,” Gravis said as he flew closer to them.
All three of them stopped glaring and only respectfully looked at Gravis.
”This meeting will consist of two parts,” Gravis said. ”Depending on your mindset, you will either enjoy or fear the first part. The second part is only an order I will give you.”
The three of them were anticipating Gravis' words in fear. He was the most powerful out of all of them, and if he wanted to kill them, he could do just that without any repercussions. After all, he was not an Ultimate. The ruler wouldn't intervene.
”Now, for the first part,” Gravis said. At the side, the three children of Gravis also looked with anticipation at Gravis. What would he do?
”I'll be straightforward. As soon as I become a level three Emperor, I will be powerful enough to eat Striders, which means that I won't need any more food from the beasts,” Gravis said.
The three of them released a sigh of relief. This had been their biggest fear. If Gravis decided to eat them, there would be nothing they could do about it.
”But,” Gravis said, ”to become a level three Emperor, I need one more level four Emperor.”
And like that, their nervousness returned and transformed into fear. The two land beast Emperors felt especially nervous. Right now, the land beasts had the upper hand, and choosing one of them seemed much more likely than killing the last level four sea beast Emperor.
”One of you will be consumed by me. The choice of which one it is lies in your hands. Make a free-for-all, duel each other, vote, I don't care. I need the corpse of a level four Emperor. If you don't want to fight, I will choose myself,” Gravis said.
If these beasts were mortals, this would be cruel and inhumane, but these were beasts. It wasn't that their lives weren't worth anything, but that their mindset had already accepted their possible death at the hands of another beast. They had committed to cultivating.
Additionally, this choice actually wasn't so bad. Obviously, a fight would break out, and the weakest beast would die. Like that, at least one beast would receive some excellent tempering while the weakest one would die. This was about as fair as Gravis could make it. After all, power was everything.
The three of them all had different reactions to it. The clam became fearful and nervous. If the two land beast Emperors decided to gang up on her, she would die.
Yet, contrary to all expectations, none of the two land beast Emperors looked at her. Instead, they glared at each other.
”I've waited for this opportunity,” the northern Emperor said.
”Finally,” the western Emperor said.
Then, the northern Emperor turned to the clam. ”Leave. This will be a fight between him and me.”
The clam almost couldn't believe it. She didn't have to fight? That was great! The clam didn't enjoy fighting at all. The only reason why she had become so powerful was that one beast after the other had tried to kill her, and she had always won. She only wanted to live in peace.
Sadly, this was impossible in this world, at least as long as she stayed near the continent. Yet, she just couldn't leave the continent. She enjoyed the Energy density near the core of the world just way too much.
Sometimes, someone just managed to stumble into success. One could say that her mindset was not suitable for cultivation at all, but she somehow still managed to become so powerful.