Chapter 457: Horrible Mistake (1/2)


Five enormous balls of fire came out of the red hawk's mouth, the fire crackling loudly in the sky. Yet, instead of shooting directly at Gravis, the balls remained in the sky and only circled the red hawk's body. The five balls of fire followed the red hawk's movement perfectly and never hit it.

Gravis tried to scratch his chin but only felt metal. Unperturbed, he decided to just scratch the metal. 'This is definitely not normal,' Gravis thought. 'This is probably one of the Laws that the bird has understood.'

'The bird can keep creating fireballs and ready them. After a while, he can use them all freely, which allows him to create a wider spread or make a more powerful attack. On top of that, my armor is weak to fire.'

Fire was a huge counter against any kind of metal or ore. Breaking the ore or destroying it was harder than liquifying it. A level five Lord won't be able to break this armor normally, no matter what they did, except when they used fire.

One had to remember that Gravis used the heat generated from his lightning to forge the armor. This meant that his lightning generated enough heat to melt the ore. So, obviously, the fire of a level five Lord would also have enough heat to melt the ore.

On paper, the red hawk was one of the two worst opponents Gravis could have chosen. Another bad choice would have been a beast with an earth affinity. After all, it would be difficult for Gravis to break through their defense.

Yet, advantages came with disadvantages and vice versa. Looking at the situation from the outside, one would think that Gravis was at a huge disadvantage. Yet, that was only because they didn't know that he was a human.

Why did such attacks never appear when humans fought? They always shot their elements directly at the opponent without gathering them like this, nearly stupidly so. One would think that there was so much more potential to be found by fighting differently. Yet, that simply was not true.

Whoooom! BANG! BANG!

Gravis activated his Will-Aura and deleted the will from the fireballs, which made them stop moving. Yet, the red hawk still continued flying, which made it fly right into two fireballs. Of course, the fireballs exploded right onto the red hawk's body.

”Hahahahahaha!” Gravis laughed loudly. One of the fireballs had hit the red hawk's face, creating quite the funny scene.

This was why it was impossible for humans to fight like this. As soon as they summoned their element, the will on it would simply get wiped out by the opponent's Will-Aura. When humans fought, they could only shoot their element forward at the opponent.

Meanwhile, the watching beasts felt like their eyes were falling out of their heads. What happened? How did the red hawk suddenly get hit by his own fireballs? Gravis didn't even move!

The Red King was also a bit surprised. He remembered that Gravis had managed to make the Golden Dragon's spears uncontrollable, but he hadn't thought that this ability could also be used like that. The Red King realized that the ability to cancel the opponent's control of the elements was more dangerous than he had initially believed.

The Empress and the white ape were also taken aback. ”Did he just cancel the control of his opponent's Law?” the Empress asked the white ape.

The white ape narrowed his eyes. ”I think so, but that's only possible if he has comprehended the same Law.”

The Empress furrowed her brows in an unsure expression. ”Does that mean that he knows three Laws from three different elements? This doesn't seem possible, at least not on his current level,” she transmitted back.

The white ape combed his beard with his right hand as he fell into thought. Two seconds later, the white ape stopped combing his beard as he found an answer. ”I'm going to ask the Red King,” he said to the Empress.

The eyes of the Empress also widened in realization. Right! Why hadn't they thought about that before?

”Can you please explain Gravis' powers?” the white ape transmitted to the Red King.