Chapter 444: Gravis purpose (1/2)
The Red King sighed again and looked at Gravis with a serious expression. What he was about to say will change the whole dynamic between him and Gravis.
”The Empress has a fondness for special food, and you fulfill all these-”
”Shut up, you lying piece of shit,” Gravis interrupted the Red King with a sneer.
The Red King was shocked when he heard that. At first, he couldn't believe what he had just heard. Did he just get insulted by some Lord? He would have never believed that a mere Lord would insult him like that. This felt so surreal to him.
”Lying?” the Red King asked in a threatening tone.
”Yeah, lying,” Gravis answered.
The Red King was still taken aback, but he soon recovered. Then, the Red King just laughed menacingly. ”So, that's it,” the Red King said. ”You aren't able to handle the truth and avert your eyes-”
”No, you're just lying,” Gravis interrupted him again.
The Red King took another deep breath to calm down. Gravis' constant interruptions made his blood boil. ”And what, pray tell, makes you think that I'm lying?” he asked with narrowed eyes.
”For starters,” Gravis said as he pointed at the Red King, ”You objected to me calling you a liar but didn't object to me calling you a piece of shit. That's a pretty good indication that you're lying.”
The Red King's face transformed into a grimace. He hadn't even thought about that.
”Additionally, if I would be killed in five years, you could just kill me now and freeze my body. Like this, you wouldn't need to fear me going for a 'walk'.”
”Also, you want power above everything else, and you sounded pretty convincing when you said that I would be your future enemy. This means that you know that I won't just die as soon as I arrive there.”
”On top of that, such a powerful beast like the Empress wouldn't waste her valuable time with such nonsense. She has become this powerful by fighting for her life, time and time again. If she had such a weak mindset, she would be a Lord on the fringes of the continent.”
”Finally, when I said I would become your enemy in the future, you didn't show even the slightest reaction. If you knew that I would die, you would have had a self-satisfied smirk on your face. With your petty mindset, you wouldn't have been able to hide your mirth.”
”So, yeah, that's why you're a lying piece of shit,” Gravis shouted. ”I thought you had some self-respect. I thought you would think such mere deceptions to be beneath you.” Then, Gravis' sneer intensified. ”Oh, how wrong I was.”
The Red King's body shook in rage as he heard that tirade. He had never been this disrespected in his entire life.
The sound of scales scratching on stone could be heard as Gravis stood up. ”So, anyway, since you aren't ready to pay up, I think I'll go for a walk.”
The Red King took a deep breath to calm himself. ”Okay, yes, I lied to you,” he confessed with a grumbling tone.
Gravis only looked at him evenly.
The Red King took another deep breath. ”I wanted to shock you and make you fearful of your life as a payback,” he grumbled. ”I would have told you the truth either way.”
Gravis huffed. ”Oh, is that so?” he asked in a sarcastic tone.
”Don't push it!” the Red King threatened.
Gravis just rolled his eyes. In truth, Gravis believed the claim that the Red King would have told him the truth later. Gravis already had a pretty good picture of the Red King's personality. Something as petty as that seemed to fit his mindset.
”Alright,” Gravis said as he sat back down. ”The truth, then.”