Chapter 441: Specifics of The Armor (1/2)

Gravis spent the next couple of weeks forging his new equipment. He had always only used weapons and hadn't even considered using armor before. What was the reason for that?

The reason for that was that he always fought enemies that were way more powerful than him. For example, an armor would do wonders against an opponent in the same Realm and Stage as the armor wearer. If the enemy were one Stage higher, the armor would still be useful, but the blunt force of the attack would still injure the body behind it.

Yet, Gravis had always fought against opponents at least two Stages higher than him. If any of these attacks hit him, his body would just get completely destroyed. An armor wouldn't have made a difference. So, he never had a reason to consider buying or forging a set of armor.

But by understanding the Law regarding the materials, he finally had the ability to create a customized set of armor for himself that could actually prove useful. Though, the reason for creating such a set of armor was different than one would initially believe.

People wore armor in order to increase their defense. Yet, Gravis went about this topic with a different approach. After all, he was about to fight a beast three levels above him. One attack from his opponent would injure him severely.

So, instead, Gravis decided to create armor that would help in his evasion and attack. If he wanted to defend himself against an attack, he could just summon a shield. The shield would break after one attack, but it would severely weaken that attack.

Gravis' new armor set consisted of a pair of boots, a pair of gauntlets, a tail-armor, a chest piece, and a helmet. Every piece of the armor had a different specialty and different Formation Arrays.

His boots had the same Formation Arrays as his sabers. This allowed him to save up a Lightning Crescent inside them. Gravis knew that his enemies would always be careful of his saber, his hands, and his teeth. After all, his enemies were beasts, and most beasts used their claws and fangs to injure their opponents.

So, his enemies wouldn't be able to anticipate his foot suddenly shooting forward with an attack that was as powerful as his saber's. After all, all their attention was drawn to the upper half of his body.

His tail-armor was spiky and looked incredibly intimidating. Yet, Gravis had designed that whole look with misdirection in mind. His enemies would believe that this was also one of his primary weapons when, in reality, it wasn't.

His tail-armor only had Formation Arrays on them that increased the impact of an enemy attack. At first glance, this seemed utterly contradictory. Increasing the impact of an enemy attack would make the attack stronger instead of weaker. Why would he do that?

The reason for that was that if he blocked an attack with his tail, his whole body would get thrown away before the sharp claws or teeth of his opponent could injure his torso. Sure, his tail would probably explode after receiving that attack, but it was better to sacrifice his tail than to receive a mortal injury.

The enemies he would fight in the future would have such a ridiculous power advantage that, if he increased the tail's defense and defended with it, their attacks would destroy the tail and injure his torso heavily. If he got hit, he would get injured either way. Like this, he could, at least, mitigate the damage so that it only destroyed his tail.

If someone hit his tail, Gravis' body would receive the impact, and due to the Formation Arrays, he would get thrown away with speed faster than the opponent's attack. The blunt force would still injure him, but that was better than being gored by a claw.

His gauntlets were filled with Formation Arrays that built a powerful connection with whatever he was carrying in his hands at the moment. If he carried a saber in his hands, these Formation Arrays would make it impossible for the enemy to disarm him without literally ”dis-arming” him.

If he carried a shield and the shield was destroyed in an attack, Gravis' arms would receive his enemy's blunt force. What exactly did this mean?

Usually, if an attack were powerful enough to completely decimate a shield, the user standing behind it would be hit by the powerful attack too. After all, the force would break the shield and continue going forward, eventually hitting the person behind it.