Chapter 317: Increasing Battle-Strength (1/2)
Joyce managed to fulfill her task. With her Will-Aura, she would have won against the puppet either way, but Gravis' requirements had made it way harder for her. The first attack had nearly killed her, but the ones after that had become easier to avoid.
In total, Joyce had taken three stabs and two slashes to her torso, which nearly bisected her. Luckily, by barely moving her body around, she managed to not get bisected. After the fifth injury, she had managed to kill the enemy.
”Immediately send another one, no pause,” Gravis shouted, shocking Joyce and the group. Wasn't this a little too brutal? At least give her some time to breathe!
Another enemy appeared immediately.
”Joyce!” Gravis shouted. ”Kill this enemy without taking more than one injury. Prove to us that you can take advantage of your Life Lightning!”
Joyce was a bit panicked, but her mood quickly recovered.
”Remember, initiative is everything! Don't let your enemy take advantage of their strengths!” Gravis shouted.
The enemy quickly shot forward. Joyce gritted her teeth and also charged forward. The enemy used an overhead slash to kill her, but with an iron will, Joyce managed to move her body slightly to the side. The left third of her body was cut off, but her long and thin sword managed to penetrate the enemy's dantian.
All its Energy left the puppet, and with another hit, Joyce ended it. Joyce was no longer using her Will-Aura constantly but kept it hidden until the enemy attacked. The short stun that the Will-Aura created would allow her to evade. Of course, a tactic like this only worked once per enemy. After that, the enemy would be prepared for that.
Joyce healed herself for the sixth time.
”Another one!” Gravis shouted, eliciting worried glances from the group. ”Joyce, this time, you are not allowed to unleash your Will-Aura. Look at this as a test for someone two Stages above you. In such a fight, your enemy won't be slowed.”
Joyce felt some stress, but her mind was burning. The nonstop battles roused her battle instincts. She was no longer thinking about herself but only about how to end her enemy.
She killed the next enemy in a similar way. The evasion of the attack had become harder, but she still managed it.
”Another one! Same restrictions as before, but you need to evade the first attack fully! Only when the enemy uses their second attack are you allowed to strike them!” Gravis shouted.
Another enemy appeared, and Joyce did as instructed. Yet, the slash of the enemy was swift and powerful. Seeing that she couldn't evade that slash, she blocked it with her sword. The slash threw her across the arena, but she was mostly uninjured.
The enemy saw its chance and immediately charged forward. The enemy's attack was pretty reckless since it thought that its enemy wouldn't be able to recover that quickly. Joyce took the slash and finished the enemy.
”Good! Taking the initiative is important, but if someone gets too eager, they will attack recklessly. Evading this attack should have been easier for you than the attack from the earlier opponent,” Gravis said.
”Heaven! Send two of these enemies!” Gravis shouted.
The group took a deep breath. Wasn't this going too far? Yet, instead of growing afraid, Joyce only gritted her teeth with burning eyes.
”Survive! No restrictions!” Gravis shouted.
Two enemies appeared, and Joyce immediately charged at one of them. The second one spawned a couple of hundred meters away, so it still needed to come closer. The spear of the first enemy penetrated her chest, but Joyce didn't even seem to notice. Her sword completely decapitated the enemy.
Before the second enemy even arrived, Joyce already charged at him. ”The second enemy knows about your strengths now, so it will take you more seriously! Your most powerful weapon is unveiled, so act accordingly!” Gravis transmitted to her.
Sure enough, instead of using a simple slash, the enemy unloaded its weapon in an arc. Remembering what Gravis told her, Joyce jumped to the side so that her body was also horizontal. The slash destroyed nearly half of her body, but her dantian and mind were safe.
Joyce immediately healed again and charged forward. The most potent weapon of the opponent had been used up, so it had to improvise. It started running away and sent multiple wind blades at her. Joyce always barely evaded these strikes, and in a couple of minutes, the enemy was out of Energy.
With one more trade, Joyce managed to win.
”Heaven, spawn one more enemy, but make it have Energy at the Sapling Stage!” Gravis shouted, and another enemy appeared.
”Hey!” Claude shouted aggressively. ”Do you want to kill her? Don't you see how exhausted she is? Give her a break!”
Gravis looked coldly at him. ”Just watch,” he transmitted to him so that Joyce couldn't hear him.
The enemy spawned and charged at her. The enemy used a slash, and Joyce once more traded an injury for its death.
When Claude saw that, he took a deep breath. Joyce had killed such a powerful enemy that easily?