Chapter 1142: Puppets to the Puppet Organization (1/2)

After the probing attack, the three of the teammates returned and Sam just sat there as he looked at the city through the surveillance. He looked at both inside the city and outside walls.

After some thought, he took out a bird puppet and let it out. It flew over and soon an isometric view of the city appeared on the screen.

The rest of the team didn't disturb Sam at all and just stayed there calmly waiting for his orders.

After half-an-hour Sam finally moved.

”We are changing the camp.”

Sam said and without a word, everyone else followed. Soon, the camp location was changed and as soon as they arrived there, Sam left the camp set up to his shadow undead while he took out the crystal table and created an image.

The three-dimensional image covered the surrounding forest as well as the whole city.

He looked at the image and he could outline the formations of the city faintly. Even though he cannot guess exactly what kind of formation that is, he can at least see which formation covered which part of the city.

He circled around the table as he zoomed into the city to take a look and finally he went out of the camp to let out the modified energy bat puppets. There are some new accessories added to them so that they would be able to provide some extra help to Sam.

And the Bat puppets weren't hidden this time and they didn't move stealthily. They just moved normally as they flew high up in the sky and made their way towards the city. He was about to return, but halted in his tracks before taking out three more giant puppets. These are three bird puppets and they looked awfully familiar to Sky and Yanwu. One looked like Sky, another like Yanwu and the third one looked a bit different as it has both features.

He opened some hidden metallic compartment and loaded it with over a dozen of large liquid energy crystals for each of them and let them follow the bat puppets.

Meanwhile, Sam went back into the camp and he placed a few formation discs on the crystal table as he closed his eyes.

He activated the formation discs and placed his palm on the crystal table.

The light elemental energy flew out of the formation discs as well as his hands as it enveloped the image of the city and soon another three-dimensional holographic image has formed.

Sam used his magnetic control to move the formation discs at the same time and the new holographic image also moved along with it.

He took out another large table and the city image was placed on it.

Now there are two images of the city side by side.

The teammates are already used to Sam doing these kinds of things, but the escaped prisoners were dumbfounded as they looked at it.

One of them even tried to touch the second image and his hand went right through it to the table.

Sam went back to the first table and soon the energy bat puppets are already above the city.

Spiritual energy flew from his hand as it spread into several threads and touched the images of bat puppets on the crystal table and at this exact moment, the bat puppets started using the energy resonance technique as they roamed around the city.

On the crystal table, the holographic image changed as the formations started manifesting.

Sam stood at the second table and started modifying the formation discs a bit as the formation domes appeared on various spots in the city.

Meanwhile, the branch leader and the elders were already notified about the bat puppets and they all came out to take a look.

The branch leader observed what the bat puppets are doing and had a thoughtful expression on his face and soon he sneered and said.

”Want to use puppets against the puppet organization? You are out of your mind?”

As soon as he spoke, he gestured with his hand and the people moved to make calls to different spots.

Soon many bird-type puppets came from different directions of the city as they made their way towards the bat puppets and started attacking.

The projectile weapons were easily dodged by the bat puppets and even their task was not disturbed, they are still using the energy resonance perfectly as Sam created a holographic image to get the layout of different formations across the city.

Soon, the elders and the branch leader understood that the projectiles wouldn't cut it, so they decided to change it up a bit.

The bird puppets went in for a direct clash.

At this moment, everyone's attention was suddenly attracted by three new figures that appeared above the city.

The three bird puppets.

And they are all glowing with elemental energies.

The first one that looked like Sky started glowing with wind elemental energies and with the glow of the metallic sheen was eliminated, everyone would believe it to be a real-life beast using elemental energy.

Even the detail in the feathers is impeccable to see.