Chapter 1068: Bazooka (1/2)
Sam took out the new toy that looked like a bazooka. He mounted it on his shoulder and took out a large liquid energy cell and inserted it in the groove provided on the lower side of the bazooka.
He looked at the valley and yelled on top of his lungs.
”For all the people in the valley. My name is Sam and I am here to deal with the Demi Giants. But from the looks of it, a bunch of Merchants are stuck inside. Even though we don't really have any enmity, I am sure with what I am about to do, you will all die inside. I will give you fifteen minutes, Demi Giants, in these fifteen minutes, you can send a few of your youngsters and the merchants out. So, that your genes can live on and unnecessary people wouldn't die.
For the sake of giving you guys some food for thought…”
Sam paused and aimed his bazooka on one of the outer sections of the valleys.
The energy beam hit the ice wall. This is one different from the assault rifle. The assault rifle creates energy explosions of different levels, but the bazooka can do much more than that. It can create pure energy attacks, the energy beam he sent now excites the ice valley walls and injects the ice elemental energy forcefully. If it was replaced with a fire energy cell, then it would make the other party melt with the heat.
It is as simple as that. And that is one of the most basic functions of this bazooka.
As the energy beam hit the ice wall for a few seconds, the ice wall exploded and crashed into the ground.
When it crashed the pieces of ice walls released all the stored ice elemental energy inside of it in the form of a wave and the surroundings were affected by it, they were covered with an additional layer of ice.
Even if the people cannot see what happened when the ice crashed, they definitely saw the ice hitting the ground and they definitely felt the energy wave released by the wall pieces, this made their heart run cold.
At this moment, Sam's words could be heard once again.
”You are inside a valley surrounding your three sides, and the walls are pretty high, if all that ice crashes on you, I don't think you would have a great ending. So, if you want to live, get out now.”
Those words had a great impact on the people inside the valley.
Demi Giants' expression turned solemn, they are really think of what to do, before the merchants knocked on their doors. The merchants that have direct dealings with the Demi Giants are powerful enough in their own realms and most of them are even from the same realm and the same planet.
They demanded the Demi Giants to let them out right there and then. When the Demi-Giants refused to do so, the people from the same realm, immediately took out several things which are used to contact their families in cases of emergency.
When the Demi Giants saw their actions, they knew they are in a tight spot and it wouldn't be easy for them to get out of this situation.
Many arguments broke out and finally the merchants managed to convince them, but there is only two minutes left.
One of the merchants yelled from the valley towards Sam.
”Mister Sam, the Demi Giants agreed to let us out, but please refrain from attacking for ten more minutes, we need to gather our people and it might take some time.”
Sam didn't say anything and just stayed with the Sky in the air.
Soon, the merchants came out and there are some Demi Giants among them. The younger generation Sam allowed them to send outside.
As soon as they all came out, Sam got ready to start shooting, but at this moment, the Demi Giants in the merchant group came out and used the cannons to aim at Sam and his teammates.
The cannons shot the frost beams.
But the team is alert enough to notice this and dodge the attacks, but that is not the end, as Sam dodged the attack, he moved more towards the dome of the valley and from the dome, a soul took shape and came at Sam and Sky.
Sky moved like a roller coaster as he tried to dodge the attacks of the soul which is also filled with ice elemental energy.
Sam pointed the bazooka and shot the beam at the soul continuously as they dodged the attacks. The soul soon froze.
The energy beam is even affecting the soul when it hit directly.
After the soul was gone, Sam moved away and started shooting the demi giants that are shooting the cannons, when the beam landed on them they were frozen on the spot and turned into ice statues along with the cannon.
Sam then turned towards the valley and started shooting at the valley walls.
The continuous beam was focused on the valley walls as it exploded at every place it touched as he moved along with the wall and the wall started collapsing.