Chapter 851: Round 2 (1/2)

After the second day is over, Sam finally had the breathing space to rest a bit.

The wave after wave of different types of feathered is actually quite annoying and disturbing. In fact, the mental toll is greater than the physical toll for some reason.

After the first round is over, he sat down on the ground and started gulping the wine down.

While he is waiting and recovering for the next round, the room suddenly shook and on the opposite wall, a door suddenly appeared.

Sam waited for a minute and recovered as much as he could before walking towards the door.

When he walked through that door, he appeared in a room similar to the first one. But this is a lot larger and there are many entrances on the other side of the room.

Each room looked like a tunnel. Sam couldn't see the light through it. They are completely dark

But there is one thing Sam could see within this room and that is the same circle that was present in the first room. The circle which prompted the start of the test.

Sam took another gulp of the wine and stored it away before taking out the reaper sword and walked towards that circle.

Now the survival time is four hours and from the looks of it, the numbers might increase a lot, he has to fight cautiously.

But as soon as he stood on the circular ring, Sam was surprised. The tunnel entrances across the room started throwing water out.

The water started gushing out like crazy and soon the room was filled with water.

Sam swam upwards rapidly as there is an air pocket which helped him take a breath.

He wanted to take out the breathing device, but that also came under the classification of the special weapons.

He could only sigh helplessly, take a deep breath and swim down to take a looked at the situation.

He activated partial water elemental fusion for the start and waited for the things to come and to his surprise, there is no single creature for the next few seconds.

While he is contemplating what kind of test this would be, he felt a sense of threat and turned around. A water spear is moving through and almost pierced if not for his abrupt dodging.

After dodging the first attack, Sam didn't get a chance to think before a second attack came from a different direction and this attack is faster than before, which prompted Sam to block it.

He was pushed back because of the impact on the blade and then came another attack.

The constant barrage of attacks made him feel suffocated and soon he ran out of air. He started swimming upwards once again to take a deep breath which is the weakest moment and the attacks didn't stop.

He had to eat a couple of them and block the rest with the sword. He finished taking a deep breath and once again dove under the water.

This time, he activated energy vision to take a look inside the water and he finally saw some silhouettes.

He started attacking them one by one.

They are not exactly strong, but they are fast and since they can merge with water this easily, it is a bit difficult to attack or to defend against them.

Their main forte is their stealth in the water and since it is gone, everything became easier.

Sam felt extremely confident now and dealt with these creatures instantly with the sword, but right when he was about to feel a bit happy about his accomplishment, the water started flowing back into the tunnels.

Sam who was caught up in the flow was not allowed to go into the tunnels, so he was moving around casually as the water left.

Almost all the water left, except for a knee-deep puddle.

Even though there is still some water, Sam felt great touching the floor, but that feeling disappeared as soon as it came.

There is a lighting strike nearby and Sam felt it conducting through the water and giving a shock.

Before he could make sense of the situation, the feathered appeared once again.

And this time, they are twenty-four of them and they all have lightning elemental fusion. Sam felt annoyed once again.

He really is getting pissed at this god for sending these annoying creatures again and again. It is pure torture and for some reason, they are not even bothered to fight Sam directly this time, their main goal was the water puddle on the ground.

Sam felt vexed as he activated lightning elemental fusion once again and started attacking the feathered.

Even though the lightning elements could neutralize each other a bit, Sam is still confident that he could deal with them, it just takes some more time.