Chapter 826: Advice from Arkiv (1/2)
”You didn't answer my question?” She asked Arkiv again.
”Why are you sure that I wouldn't be able to kill him?”
”Of course, I have seen him fight so many times. Most of the time, it is not others giving him a fair fight, it was him trying to make it fair for them. He has too many tricks up his sleeve and too many hidden cards. If all he wants to do is kill directly, he wouldn't even bother fighting.
It seems like he didn't want to go on an all-out war immediately, but you pushed him again and again.”
She snorted and said.
”He is one man? He will wage a war against the whole city?”
Arkiv leaned back and relaxed a little bit as he looked at the ceiling.
”You will see. When are you going to release me?”
”You are not going anywhere until the end of this. You would be staying here. If you want you can train, but you wouldn't be given any access outside.”
”Sure, then what is your name?”
”Nice name. But I think it doesn't suit you.”
She just gave me a side-eye and didn't speak anymore.
After a few seconds, Arkiv spoke again.
”Did you speak to your elders after you woke up?”
”How long have we been here?”
”A week.”
”Then, when your elders come, after you explain the situation. Ask them if something big is going on and if it is, tell them not to panic or think it is something else. It would be him and there is a chance that it would stop if you guys send me out.”
”You are not going anywhere. So shut up and stay put.”
”Well, I like your race actually, that is why I am giving you a piece of advice. It is completely up to you whether you like it or not.”
”You like our race?”
”Because you guys can fly.”
”Guessed as much.”
While they are having some not-so-friendly conversation, in the forest, Sam took a look at his prisoners once again and decided to take the next step.
He sent the shadow mice out and let them enter the city.
After they returned, the ghouls and Wights came out with their undead.
There are around forty undead creatures and all of them are feathered, but at this moment, Sam is only using only ten of them. He made them clean the bodies of the undead to make the wounds and the bloodstains less obvious and made them enter the city one by one.
They are flying slowly and close to the ground. They didn't move too fast and didn't catch too much attention.
One feathered went into the city for every hour and for the next two days, all he did is send these people without raising any suspicion.
After everyone is in their hidden position within the vegetation of the city, Sam looked at the Wights and Ghouls around him that are controlling the undead creatures with utmost concentration and gave the orders.
The Wights and Ghouls executed the orders immediately.
The Feathered started looking around, some looking into the tree trunk holes, some into the abandoned houses, and so on.
There is a metallic box inside.
They took the box and came out of their location and started walking. They didn't even fly. They walked for a while and placed the box on the floor after opening it.
It has some grenades in it.
At this moment, they are all near the city walls where the guards are stationed and some of them are near the buildings which Sam observed to be some sort of administrative building, some of them are just aiming at the wall directly.
There is one person who is not anywhere near them, that one undead feathered is currently near the temple.
As soon as all of them reached their position, Sam gave the orders, the wights and ghouls controlled and the undead creatures threw.