Chapter 804: Volcano (1/2)

Sam learned about the behavior and characteristics of these sea urchins in every possible way he could think of.

Now, he has to make something that could effectively defend against these things and repel them away if possible. And he shouldn't forget about the harpoon guns and the flat-fish puppets.

The harpoons they shoot are also going to be a problem.

But he is a bit relieved by the fact that the harpoon and the sea urchin are a bit similar in their attacking method.

The only main differences are size and shape and the spikes of the sea urchin cannot be defended with water elemental attacks and the last difference being the trap and cable mechanism of the harpoon gun.

The propelling principle is almost the same. But instead of a compressed air contained that is used in the harpoon gun, the sea urchins are creating compressed gas propulsion by themselves.

Sam could think of a few ways to counter these things. The main principle of these projectiles is the usage of gas and air underwater.

So, Sam decided to use this as a counter too.

He doesn't even have to stop the harpoons and spikes moving all he has to do is deflect them away.

Make them not continue in the same path and because of the compressed air or gas propulsion there is one thing they could take advantage of and that is the fact that the trajectory of the harpoon or the spike cannot be changed by the shooter once it was shot.

They cannot manipulate it constantly.

And this gave Sam an Idea.

Using the same compressed air to change the trajectory of these things.

But before he could make anything, he has to inspect the city first. Since the merman can activate multiple elements and that includes the fire element, they do have the ability to maintain decent craftsmen in their ranks, but sirens are different.

They don't activate any other element. They only have the water element and that unbearably good mental strength and attacks. They might be good with their hands, but they are still unable to create proper weapons faster. If they have to go for the weapons, they had to go the old-fashioned way.

Placing the metal in a normal furnace and hammer it constantly with no control over the heat would take up too much time and also sirens wouldn't want to spend too much time near that fire. They would die if it is too long.

But selling the weapons directly to the sirens from the above-ground is not exactly a good deal. In fact, it impossible. The Elves would kill him before they let him export weapons to the sirens.

So, he has to see how he can manage to properly cut this deal.

After four days of constant research, Sam came out and met with the attendant he was assigned to.

”I would like to take a look at the city. Particularly the volcano.”

The attendant nodded and gestured Sam to follow him without saying anything. Sam didn't mind and just followed him.

He walked through the streets as he looked at various things that are being sold, made, and worked.

It is very little for sirens to do. Their staple food is obviously the fish in the sea, apart from that they train a lot, they rear some things like a special type of seaweed and another thing is the mining.

They excavate under the sea and also mine the spirit stones from the spirit stone mines nearby.

Other than these common things, there is only one uncommon and unique thing in this place and that is making products for the elves on the surface.

These people make some products of the things they get under the sea.

They make potions of different kinds right in this city before selling them. And the main ingredients are obviously from the sea creatures and some scarce vegetation that is available on the seafloor.

Even with minimum work, everyone is active and they are all currently looking at Sam as if they are looking at an animal in the zoo.

”How many Siren cities are there?”

”There are forty cities that are of decent sized. And this is the Siren Capital.

Apart from the cities there are some minor establishments within the sea with a smaller population of sirens.”

The attendant spoke for the first time.

”So, only Capital city has access to meeting with the surface.”

”No, according to the treaty between elves and sirens, the sirens belonging to all the forty cities can go to the surface to conduct any business. But the sirens who do that are rare and even they do it in a specific time period every year.

The sea is mostly sufficient for our survival.”