Chapter 771: Clashing with the Sea Folk (1/2)
Sam reached near enough to be in the visible range of the Sea folk that are guarding the bubble.
The Sea folks looked at Sam and they became a bit restless. It has been decades since aby human or elf came this deep into the sea.
The guards here are actually pretty lax because of that.
But now they already learned of someone causing trouble to them in shallow waters and their watchers are all gone. There is an anomaly the previous night and now there is a human coming towards them.
Three Sea folks swam towards Sam with water spears forming their hands. They are extremely fast. Sam aimed his harpoon gun and pulled the trigger.
The harpoon left the gun with the large wind jet blasting it forward and it impaled itself into the sea folk that is in the front.
The sea folks are obviously not as thick as a beast and their bodies are more or less the same sizes as a normal human.
But the harpoon didn't just go through him. The gel-like thick, viscous flesh that has extreme resistance for stabs and impaling was pierced and the spear tip of the harpoon gun was stuck in the flesh. The body and the harpoon flew backward until the cable obtained the required tension and the wind jet is over.
After the required tension was attained the spear was open and the trap held the flesh, but some of the tips came out of the skin as the harpoon is obviously too big for this guy.
A path of blue blood was created in the water. The remaining two sea folks halted in their tracks and looked at Sam with furious expression. The remaining sea folks at the bubble were also stunned. They all went to quickly save their comrade.
But the sea folk that was impaled is struggling too much and had a chunk of flesh removed out of his body.
The flesh is also blue in color the harpoon trap was completely activated and the spear returned to its original shape as Sam retraced the cable.
This is the second generation of the Harpoon gun. It is superior to the first one in every way. The compressed air cylinders are actually upgraded and their effect is enhanced with an inscription array that could increase the thrust of the air jet.
All the metallic parts are upgraded with better materials. The spear traps that hold the chunk of flesh in the target are also upgraded. It became more sensitive to motion and force and finally, it can deal with Pre-transcendent stage cultivators.
Sam is really satisfied with this.
He stored this harpoon gun away and took another one. Another Harpoon gun is of first-generation. The one he used in the merman planet.
He locked it and loaded as he waited for sea folk to come.
The first target was clearly injured and couldn't be recovered any time soon.
Two sea folks held that person and took him inside the large bubble with these weird pods.
Sam couldn't see every single component of the hemisphere as it is as big as a village. But there seemed to be a healing means for them in that hemisphere.
The rest of the sea folks started sizing up Sam carefully as they moved forward in a formation.
Sam aimed the harpoon gun at a person. But they didn't panic. They are extremely positive that it wouldn't work again.
But Sam didn't attack. He just waited for them to come a little closer and soon he is already dodging the water spears that are being shot towards him.
After they reached a certain distance, the wind energy riled up as an air jet was shot through the water in a direction. The sea folk in that direction dodged the wind jet and the rest of the group moved towards Sam in one swift motion as they thought the harpoon was fired.
But Sam only fooled them with a normal air-jet and as the rest of them let go of their defensive stance, he fired the harpoon.
The harpoon impaled into the flesh of the sea folk, but it didn't go through it, in fact, the rear end of the spear tip is still visible. Even though the wind force is not enough to go past that stuck up gel-like viscous flesh, it still took the body far enough as the tension in the cable grew and the trap opened, but it didn't hold the person in place, it just removed a smaller chunk of flesh.
Sam retracted the cable and checked the tip. The trap was completely destroyed. It is not reusable.
The Sea folk are stunned once again. They fell for a single and direct bluff.
Sam used this small moment of shock to his advantage and swam upwards to dodge the attacks that are coming towards him and took out his sword.