Chapter 702: New Vines (1/2)

Sam felt like his soul is being sucked out of his body as he felt the red smoke pulling him inside. The situation is extremely dire. He understood that as soon as his legs reached the mouth of the well.

He also felt something foreign trying to make a connection with his brain and he immediately understood that the situation is not going to be solved within a few days, that is why he set a deadline for himself.

He is all open for trickery in a battle, but this is something he didn't expect. Tens of Consummates and a cultivator even stronger than a Consummate are all together trying to force him into this pit. Even his escape tactics are not working.

He could only face the problem head-on. As for not being able to solve it at all? If he would have thought like that before he solved all the problems he solved today, he wouldn't have solved any of them.

This is the mentality he had towards his problems. This might seem narcissistic, but he always thought that every problem is solvable for him, it is either a matter of time or a matter of need.

Sam felt another consciousness invading his body even before he could reach the bottom of the well.

The density of the red fog increased a lot.

Soon Sam hit the liquid surface and it almost felt like he hit the concrete.

There is a metallic taste in his mouth and he could smell blood all around.

By the time he gained his vision, he already knew what he fell into, a pool of blood.

Finally, Sam couldn't move a bit, the red fog still enveloped him, but it didn't pull him anywhere. Sam floated on the surface and he could finally use his energy freely.

He stood up and used his water elemental energy to take a footing on the surface of the blood and used his eye technique to look around. He is on a large pool of blood and he is not alone in there. A dead body is floating on the surface of the blood near him.

The body was sitting crosslegged and one look it easily gave away that this is the dead body of a vampire.

Sam wanted to near the body, but the red fog once again moved and the struggle of this foreign entity to establish a connection with a brain began and soon a small forceful link was made through which a voice sounded in his head.

”You are quite a specimen alright. Not only is your body so delicious and has such a fragrant smell, your soul is also quite unique, this is the first time I took this long to establish a connection with a brain. I wonder how much time it would take to consume you completely.”

”Consume? Do you think, I would just let you do that?” Sam's voice was cold and indifferent as if the consciousness that is drilling into his brain doesn't even exist.

”What else can you do? Do you even know who I am? Do you even know what I am going to do to you? Since we have to spend a lot of time together before we leave this place, let me tell you.”

At this moment, the dead body that is sitting crosslegged in front of him opened his eyes and started talking.

”I am the Vampire King hundreds of years ago. I was one of the reasons for the vampires to be imprisoned in this sick realm.

The corpse in front of you was my original body, Vampire's body is one of the most outstanding physiques of all the species, but I was never satisfied with it, so I experimented. Not just me, the then Ghoul King, the Wight King, everyone experimented desiring different results.

That is why all three races and the rest of the undead creatures that are associated with them are kicked into this realm.

But we didn't stop. All the blood you are seeing around is the result of those experimental failures.

I wanted to make a perfect body and create a new species altogether. In that body, not only would I be able to find a balance between the human blood and the Vampire blood, I also wanted to fuse them perfectly combining the perks of both worlds.

Then I would have the regeneration and vitality along with the lifespan of the vampire body and the versatility and the potential of humans, but I never succeeded. In a final trial, I created this well in which my soul is preserved and lost my powers, but every time they are sending the human bodies to find the most compatible vessel for me.

All this while I survived because of those vessels but they slowly disintegrated into this blood, but now you came.

Your bloodline is so pure and so superior to any human I have met. Your body is perfectly balanced with all the physical attributes and has the resistance for almost all basic elements along with intense affinity. If I managed to fuse with you, I can add the Vampire's flesh characteristics like regeneration, long life span, and high physical resistance and also overcome the defect of the vampires which is the light element and the morning sun.