Chapter 671: Information on Wights (1/2)
The next day, the Gods that are involved in the game were in a meeting.
”The next Palace of Inheritance spot is changing. I am opening the Palace in the Undead Realm.”
Hou Yi spoke in a calm tone.
”Why the sudden change?” One of the gods asked.
”Nothing, I just felt like it.”
”You felt like it? More like you felt the price is good enough.” Kartikeya said with a cold snort. Hou Yi looked at him with a cold gaze.
”What you want to have a go? Face the truth if you are man enough. No wonder your wife left you. You sick greedy piece of shit.”
The whole area was suddenly full of battle aura and killing intent. Clashing each other as the whole realm trembled.
The gambler who is silent all the while tapped the table with a finger and both of them stopped. He then looked at them with a lack of interest and said.
”Just vote and decide on what to do. Don't make a fuss. But do remember Hou Yi. I might be a gambler, but every action you take under influence of others will turn into a gamble. Consider the odds before you do so.”
He spoke and just stayed silent for the rest of the time.
”I think it is a bit premature to send them to Undead realm. They wouldn't be able to survive for that long. There are no rules and no social orders like reputation and honor to let them old dogs attack the youngsters. As long as they are delicious enough, they will be devoured and I believe the players are all tasty for them.”
Hou Yi looked at the person that spoke and said.
”I thought about it. We would be giving the location of the Palace of Inheritance directly. And we are also only opening one Palace of inheritance.
In the Palace of inheritance, I will give them the charm to save themselves. The charm works three times and they can survive….”
Hou Yi went on to explain and even after he was done, not all of them are satisfied.
”What kind of game would be interesting if we keep on sheltering the Players? Anyway, I agree to this proposal. Let us just vote.” Indra said halting the discussion and the voting began.”
There are only two votes left out of which one of them voted neutral. So, only one vote left and it happened to be Gambler.
”I need to add a condition.”
”What is it?”
”Let our players bring some helpers to this Palace of inheritance. Each player can bring three extra people.”
”What is the point of this?” Indra asked coldly.
”The point is I want it to happen.”
Gambler said unreasonably clearly pointing it out that he doesn't give a shit about their opinion and his condition passed without much resistance.
The next Palace of Inheritance was decided to be held within the realm of Undead.
Indra is smiling sinisterly as he left the place.
Hou Yi stopped him and asked.
”Why are you so against a player?”
”Why do you care?” He replied clearly annoyed. Hou Yi frowned and said.
”Indra, I am not your subordinate, what you asked of me, put a larger target on my back than you told me, so I better know the reason.”
Indra explained and Hou Yi clearly understood what his problem is.
It is not that Sam acted against him in the first Palace of inheritance. That is only one of the reasons. The main reason is Arman's current situation. They are gods and they have some ways to keep track of the Players and everyone used their own methods.
Arman is now currently Sam's lackey. Every time Sam was contacted by Ling Tian, Indra also contacted Arman, and every time he did that, Arman acted as if nothing happened and he behaved like he is his own man. But after that conversation, he will go back to Sam and be his obedient lackey.
If not for the fact that there is a rule that Gods shouldn't interfere and manipulate the players, he would have killed Sam a long time ago, or at least he would have helped Arman solidify his mind. These players are their symbols of pride, they wouldn't be able to contact other players or keep an eye on them, but they can do so for their own players and Arman is always beside Sam like a dog.