Chapter 635: Trap (1/2)

[A/N Announcement in author's thought.]

Currently, these two Ice and Fire brothers from the Union are on a battlefield where Noah and Kumar are cooperating.

Since, their battle with Sam, they seemed to have a better cooperative relationship and since the players all managed to convince the special commanders to work together, these two immediately became partners for this.

Even though their main target is hindering Sam, they do have some obligations regarding the Nagin castle. So, they decided to clear the war first and from their judgment, Sam would never stay back in such a battlefield full of achievements written over it.

And their estimations didn't fool them as Sam really did appear, but he appeared at a time they didn't expect. Sam arrived at the battle-field right when the brothers started their fight against Kumar and Noah.

When he saw the fight, he couldn't help but marvel at the brothers' cooperation. They are extremely coordinated and it is almost like the two bodies belonged to the same mind and controlled as such.

They don't even need to communicate as they attacked and defended together, the trickiest of all were their combinations.

Ice veiled in the fire, fire veiled in ice, one veiled in two, two veiled in one. They are extremely hard to dodge and hard to block as they couldn't decide what kind of attack that was coming to them.

The two brothers are giving a hard time. But the only flaw is that they don't have the required lethality in their attacks. Their coordination and partnership are great, but due to this constant movement and concentration required on maintaining this balance, they could get enough lethality from a single attack.

They are dragging and trying to let their opponents exhaust their energy with the confusion of their attacks.

Clearly, these guys are good at close combat and it is a waste to send them to save night charm on that day.

Maybe they are the nearest to them. But now, Sam really enjoyed watching this battle. Happy times wouldn't last long though. He learned the lesson because both parties soon noticed his presence.

Unlike his usual style, he didn't hide at all. He is spectating from a closer distance.

It is almost like, he wanted them to notice him.

But Sam just waved his hand with a smile and said.

”Please carry on. I wouldn't interfere until one of you wins.”

They looked at Sam extremely doubtfully. But Sam just sat on a nearby large rock as if he is really spectating.

And to his surprise, Noah and Kumar didn't attack him. After all, he is the bigger target for them, he thought they would use the two brothers to finish him before fighting it out with them. But both sides ignored his presence and started battling again.

The battle once again proceeded like before, but the situation turned sour for the two brothers after some time. Noah is not a normal fighter, she is actually a bit sly and she dropped seeds all over the place. Since the brothers wouldn't leave a certain area to have perfect sync, they are surrounded by the vines.

This is what Sam is actually waiting for. He knew she wouldn't drag the fight for no reason.

The brothers didn't expect this and got stuck, what they didn't expect is the strength of the spear strike from Kumar.

They have been blocking many strikes from Kumar, but they didn't expect he hid his strength well.

With just two stabs, their guards broke their shoulders were torn open. They couldn't even move their arms. Kumar was about to swing the spear to give the final blow, but at this moment, Sam suddenly moved.

With a dagger, he cut all the vines and he carried both the brothers on his shoulder before saying.

”Thanks for the effort.”

Sam gave a cocky grin and flew away on the Harbinger. As soon as he took the Harbinger out, both of them gave up on their pursuit.

”Why is he behaving like this? It is not his style right?” Kumar asked from the side with a frown.

”Maybe, he just wanted to be willful once. I feel this might be better. Whenever look at that guy, all I could see is a killing machine and a cold businessman. Maybe, he remembered he is also just an ordinary young man.”

Noah replied. If Sam was here, he would definitely be stunned. After all, this is the most Noah ever spoke in a single breath.

But too bad Sam didn't hear, but if he did he might have agreed with her view.