Chapter 611: Mess (1/2)
Sam didn't want to bother with this Flavos guy at all, but it turned out that he has to. Because no one is daring to take care of this situation and the movement of the Union sect became heated.
They are moving their troops on a large scale and the attack on the Nagin Castle's resource points and bases intensified. In the main castle, there are only three squads and around three hundred individual members left.
The four remaining special commanders are moving to different locations or already there as he spoke to the Mov Empire's normal commander who is in charge of the defense at the main base.
”What made them go on to this situation?” Sam asked calmly.
”It is good that you asked. You are half of the reason.”
”Me? I am not even here yesterday.”
”Who is talking about Yesterday? It is your continuous attacks. You killed four hundred of the enemy troops and did that so fast and one-sided that they got so pissed and they are now taking out on all of us.”
Sam chuckled at the response.
”Do you think this is funny? You put the whole castle in jeopardy because you are too focused on your personal gain and glory.”
”Glory? For what? Playing house with you guys. You can keep it all to yourself. Do you think I am like the rest of you? Don't just judge me with your personal standards. Because mine are way out of your league.”
”If not for glory then what are you here for?”
”That is way above your pay-grade.”
Sam left the room after saying those words. Chatur followed him and asked with worry.
”What are we going to do? They will put all the blame on us.”
”Us?” Sam asked with a smile.
”Even though my contribution is minimal, I am already in the same boat as you. So, it is 'us' and both of us can't change it.”
”Well, you are right about that. But they can't do anything to us. I am the one who made sure that there wouldn't be any more attacks immediately. The sect did send the troops, but they didn't attack. Because they are confused. The person in charge didn't dare to make rash moves.
Because, even if they really did get the information about me doing all I did, they would more cautious than enraged. A single variable being that big of trouble. A smart person wouldn't want to do anything rash until they figured out a way to eliminate or isolate that variable.
Something else triggered all this mess. Something happened when we are away and the mess is way too big than we want it to be.
How about trying to get some information. There is still three days to the Volcanic Cannon. We will wait here until now, you try to gather as much info as you can and we decide how to proceed. Until then there is no need to make a move in this war. Let them clash all they want.
Chatur complied and left. Sam doesn't know how he gets his things done, but he does get his things done and that too in an efficient way.
Sam stayed two days in the Castle, but all he did is try to create his new gadget cum garment he is making with the Blood mutant scales. Even though its quality wouldn't be anywhere near as the feather-coat or the harbinger, this takes a lot of time, due to the features he is going to place on that thing.
He worked in the divine dimension and roamed around as he tasted some beasts nearby to see if he can get any new additions to his farm or even new additions to his army.
And he did find some options, like the rabbit-type beasts nearby, except each rabbit is of the same size as a normal deer and there is a chance that it could grow even more. He caught some and threw it into the form and let Ape take care of them.
He spent his time like that for the next two days and Chatur came back with the information. But it is not complete. Because they couldn't find the exact trigger that leads to this situation in a single day.
But they do know how big the mess is. Every place is a deadlock. Every resource point, weekly or monthly, and even the random resource points. Everything was marked and targeted including the bases. Some of the bases are already taken out.
This is too much damage and the situation is worse than he thought.
While he is thinking about where to start to make his move, another person from Mov empire came running to him.
”I am here bearing the message from the Emperor.” He didn't even bother to introduce himself as he showed a scroll. The same one he got every time he got a message from the palace.