Chapter 479: Information about Naga Loka (1/2)

A few days after the boxes are completely unlocked, Arman also came to the city to tell the news about the unlock of his dimensional crosser.

Sam checked the coordinates on his dimensional crosser and turned out the last set of coordinates are also different for him.

But from what he saw the planet is the same. He came to the conclusion that every player is being deployed to the same planet.

Sam wanted to get as much information as he can. So, he decided to have a talk with every possible information source he had.

The first one is his long-time companion, Yanwu.

And after talking with Yanwu, he finally got some idea. Even though, he doesn't know too much about how the internal workings of Naga Loka work, but then he has some useful information.

The first one is as Sam guessed, the realm is ruled by the Naga Loka and a Planet houses the Naga race of the highest bloodline within that realm. That planet houses the current Naga King as well as all the other subraces of the Naga Race that have relatively superior from the bloodline of the common Naga.

But that is not the only planet like that. There are many planets that are ruled by the nobles of Naga.

Apart from that, there are also other races including humans on almost every planet. But from what they came to knew there are no normal humans on the planet. The humans in Naga Loka were mutated due to their stay in that realm for the longest time.

And Yanwu also said that Naga Loka is one of the realms that is most beautiful. Including the vegetation and just the lands of Naga Loka. Everything screams beauty.

But the Planet is not habitable for normal humans, at least not for people at Sam's level. Because, even though the planet is extremely beautiful, the only problem is that it is a realm of Miasma. The air, water, soil, plants everything has poison in it.

Even though there are many Naga races that have different elemental attributes, but they have something in common and that is their venomous ability. They would have some kind of venom in their arsenal and they have great immunity for many poisons in the world depending on their bloodline superiority.

Apart from this news, Yanwu doesn't know anything about the place. So, Sam turned towards the second information point and immediately gave up after some thought. It is none other than the Lightning-blade, the saber he got from Arman.

He took away the Sabre to interrogate the weapon spirit and to his disappointment, the weapon spirit doesn't know anything but the weapons and tools. As for the issue regarding the Players and the gods who chose them, it only knows their existence other than that, the spirit doesn't even have details on exactly who these gods are.

But still, the weapon knowledge is extraordinary and Sam could identify the treasured weapons in all the other realms and even in the Palace of inheritance, he could use it to pick if he was in a dilemma.

Now, his final and possibly most knowledgeable resource, the Old Beast Grandpa.

The Old Raiju.

Sam did develop a good relationship with this Old Raiju. But there is only one problem and he encountered the same problem this day as well.

”Heh, Brat. You came at the right time. I am craving some wine. Come on take it out.”

Sam felt his heart hurt as he took out the wine gourd. He has a large supply of this wine, but it still pains him to take it out. But this Old man wouldn't let go of the issue if he doesn't give him any.

Sam would have to deal with the quirky old man who would constantly pester him.

He took out a large bowl that could fit three infants in it and filled the bowl up with the wine before placing it near the lightning, the lightning curtain cleared up, and the old man extended his large paw to take the wine bowl as he took it to sip by sip.

”Oh, that is great. Even though it is not the best wine that the monkey can offer, he is still generous. Okay now, why are you here?”

”I am going out of this realm.”

The slurping of the wine stopped for a second and the Old Man asked.

”Where to?”

”Naga Loka.”

”Did you say Naga Loka? Are you sure?”