Chapter 455: Changing Situation (2/2)
Old thunder's face is extremely gloomy. He stood up from his chair and said.
”Sai took the correct decision. I shouldn't have involved. Three Old men, who lived for more than two centuries couldn't even crack the method of a kid and made us lose so much money and resources.
Not only does it show his competence, but your incompetence is also as clear as a day. I would do what I want since you so benevolently gave permission.”
With that, he left.
”Old Thunder.” Old three called for him, but he left the place without any reaction. He regretted it immediately. They all knew that Old thunder has some kind of split personality and he is the worst person to piss off.
At times, he would be like the amiable person who is very easy to get along with and that is the person who Sam met, but when he is angry if anyone fires back at him, particularly when he is in the right, then he would become a pain in the ass. And the pain couldn't be measured with anything.
It is almost like shoving a volcano up their ass. It will continue on burning and they still have to worry about it exploding and causing devasting damage that would tear open their asses.
They are worried something would happen to their subordinate towers in the empires and wanted to contact them. They left the meeting and all the major powers left on a sour note. Only the beast faction is exempt from this scuffle.
For the next two days, the situation between the major powers is still extremely tense. The first thing Old Thunder did after he returned is to cut the inter-continental communication between the associations' headquarters and the towers of the empires under the thunder god temple's control.
He didn't give any announcements and didn't respond to the requests of the Old three and the rest. He is stubborn. Not only that, he visited the three towers in the thunder god temple's territory and gave them a stern warning.
”From now on, you are no longer part of the associations, your professions are still valid and you will still take the same duties you did previously. But you have to cut the ties with the associations from now on and you are no longer answerable to them.
You guys are part of the thunder god temple and only serve under me.”
His voice didn't give any room for argument and he is extremely stern.
They understood that whether they like it or not, they are going to be forced to accept this decision. So, they could only swallow this and accept the situation. Not only did Old thunder make this happen, he even made them send a notice to the three associations that they are cutting ties with them.
The news spread all over the major powers like a wildfire.
They clearly understood that he is not kidding around.
When Sam got this news, he was also dumbfounded. He never expected that three major associations are the first ones to be antagonized, he wanted to make the Usaine sect crumble first. But it seemed that the association heads are stupid enough to make themselves the enemies of the thunder god temple.
This is not something he expected, but he is not exactly worried. After all, everyone is his enemy since the time they stole his blueprints. There is no need for him to think too much on which order they are destroyed.
Seeing this action, the associations are also infuriated, but they don't know how to react, the three of them three different opinions. One of them wants to deal with this aggression and just attack. One of them wants to apologize and make peace and the last one wants to just leave the situation be and see how it would proceed.
While they are like this, he received another news and that is from Arsin. Philip and Sirona got a piece of news that the Usaine sect also took some drastic measures.
They also made their towers cut ties with the associations and they even wanted to cancel the contracts with the associations regarding the materials and such. They are even bold enough to make this announcement in their empires too and proclaimed that all the employees of the towers couldn't go back to the association until the association sends back their artisans who are reassigned to various places.
This time, the associations really became angry.
They knew that the sect head is trying to make the pressure increase on the associations.
They suddenly felt that situation is getting out of hand and Old three decided to do something.
He along with the other two heads visited the remaining major powers including the thunder god temple and met with the heads except for the Usaine sect head and the details of the meetings are not revealed.
But after that, the news came out that they also severed all the ties with the Usaine sect and will make sure that they would take back everything they gave them.
But the conditions are severe because the associations are the ones who made trained their people and they would not be sent back to the Usaine sect again.
If they want to retrieve them, they have to exchange the method of activating the parks and they also have to send their employees back otherwise they would declare war.
This situation stunned the Usaine sect head and Sam who learned the news was happy, this is the situation he wanted to see.
He wanted to have the Usaine sect under pressure, so they would loosen the control over the empires and he can use this chance to do his thing. He would see how the Usaine sect would react if most of their members in the empires backstabs them that too in their most perilous situation.