Chapter 430: Crossing the hurdle (2/2)
The energy from the wind energy cells started moving upwards and Sam's face is fully red by now, the veins almost looked as if they are going to burst open at any time.
When the energy raised upwards, a faint line of runes which aren't normally visible all appeared again and the surrounding wind elemental energy started surging.
Right now, Sam is connected with the car. Both of them are one and the same at this moment. As the wind element surged it also grew sharper and just when the other Seahawk was about to attack, Sam suddenly made an extremely hard turn with the car, and that too in a weird angle.
Three large wind blades flew upwards from the fins and slashed towards the Seahawk which was just about to release the attack, in fact, it is already activated and the bird couldn't even take back the attack.
The wind blades slashed the bird in the wing and the bird stumbled a bit in the air, the Icy blade of the bird completely missed and landed on a Dolphin in the water.
At this moment, Sam made another Hard turn, and the wind blades from the other side hit a dolphin in the side which just jumped at him, the dolphin twisted its body in the air and turned to another side which hit a Seahawk that was zooming towards Sam.
He didn't stop just there. The wind elemental energy once again started surging around the car and Sam didn't stop. But this retaliation by Sam made the beasts extremely mad.
For a second, Sam actually got some rest, he just hovered in the air without moving at all.
The whole surroundings are filled with roars of spiritual energy. Even though they don't have any form of spiritual sense, Sam could still feel the pressure and so do the rest of the members in the group.
They all watched the whole situation and there is nothing they could to help. After all, they are weak at the moment. Sam didn't make any arrangements to use the combined energy of four. Maybe, if they did that then they would have had a decent chance to escape this place easily. In fact, they could have fought their way out of this situation.
But Sam doesn't have enough materials and time. The meteorite sand ran out and any form of other metal would just degrade the whole machine.
Sam started concentrating on the hologram. His head was facing downwards, there is a faint trace of blood in his left nostril and his face is fully red.
He has to take care of this situation no matter what. His main focus was on the way out which is actually straight ahead. He could feel that the place is a little different and all this while, the beasts made sure that they didn't trespass and it seems to be a form of division in the sea territories and the division is also made of some shipwrecks.
Sam has to race to that and he couldn't go back. There is no way out of here. The way back is very small which is completely blocked. He has only one way.
Sam pressed another button and some metallic plates slid and energy cells of the light element were revealed.
They are in the place of the headlights of a car.
Just as the beasts are about to move, Sam made his move first.
He didn't go in a straight line, as the dolphins and the hawks launched the attacks, Sam drove the car like it was a roller coaster and the wind blades and laser flew like crazy.
Philip and the rest didn't know what happened, they crashed around in the car and they closed their eyes as they could handle the visual effects of their random motion and are on the verge of vomiting once again.
But when they opened their eyes, they were shocked, because they are seeing all the beasts that were about to attack them, but from an opposite view.
They crossed the beasts and they are at the exit. All they have to do is turn around and leave this place and continue with the journey.
But they didn't have any intention of saying those words because their brains stopped thinking at this moment.
In front of their eyes, the beasts which are attacking them wildly are also slumped down. Some dolphins are injured and two of them are even dead. As for the Seahawks almost all of them crashed into the ground.
The wounded beasts are angry and wanted to chase him, at this moment, Sam opened his eyes for the first time. He pressed a button which was on the left joystick and the car suddenly plummeted down a bit, but with another press, the car recovered the thrust.
Sam gave one last cold glance and turned the car around and moved on with his journey. In a few seconds the beasts reached the spot he was in and
The energy cell blast happened in the ocean and half of the beasts died at that point. Because Sam dropped two large energy cells that are under the car and providing the thrust after destabilizing them.