Chapter 414: The Great Sage (1/2)

Sam didn't know that two fish escaped the net he laid down. At this moment, he is in the third hub taking the rewards.

The weapon room, once again only has the same crystal for the treasure map, this time he didn't leave it there, he took it and then stored all the weapons away.

When he entered the next building, there is another fruit. But this has a different colour than the first two fruits.

Of course, this has completely different uses.

After taking everything that he could take, Sam went back to the battle field and as soon as left the hub, Akriv arrived and when he noticed that the treasures are gone, he couldn't help but curse himself for being slow.

By this time, Sam is already half way back to the battlefield.

After some time, in the battle field. After the two candidates escaped, the rest of them also tried to escape the place, but the vines let the monkey warriors go and they are besieged again.

In fact, they were let go intentionally, because the 'man' from the beast faction also noticed that this is the best chance to eliminate the whole group in a faster way. She doesn't know how many people are left to fill the five spots, but she is confident that this battle will be the last until they get to the final obstacle.

Sam looked at the remaining candidates, by this time, the monkey warriors are not attacking crazily, they simply surrounded the remaining four candidates who are left and let them fight one on one. They are also exhausted and the monkey warriors are conserving their energy to prepare for unexpected situations.

As for the four people, two of them are of thunder god temple and the remaining two are from the Usaine sect.

Arman and Arthur both survived. But they are extremely exhausted.

There are around ten more monkey warriors and the candidates are clearly in a disadvantageous position.

”Fuck, even if I have to lose, I am taking these monkey bastards down with me.” A candidate from the Usaine sect went berserk and started attacking two monkey warriors.

He didn't care about the attacks of the monkey warriors and took them all in. He is determined to kill the two monkey warriors even if he is dead. Looking at him, the other Usaine sect candidate also went all out for one final struggle.

Sam didn't feel a single wave of emotion. This is a competition after all. The two of them disappeared while they took four monkey warriors away.

The remaining monkey warriors learned their lesson and didn't want to give such chance to the remaining two.

”Shall we try and escape together?” Arthur asked Arman. A monkey warrior came in between so that both of them wouldn't communicate, they are trying their best to not repeat the same situation.

At this moment, when the monkey warriors were about to gang up on them, one of them who was nearest to Arman fell dead out of nowhere.

Sam shot him straight in the eye. He didn't follow up though.

The monkey warriors halted in their tracks and didn't know what is happening, the situation is similar to what happened before.

They don't know who the attacker is so they decided to direct their anger at Arman and Arthur.

But at this moment, one more Monkey warrior who is near Arman. Now only four of them left.

They suddenly felt that they shouldn't mess with Arman, because the monkey warriors who are near Arthur didn't stop in time and attacked, but no bullet came for them.

They suddenly had a faint idea on what is happening, so they wanted to confirm it, so the monkey warriors once again attacked, but this time only Arthur.

They left Arman alone and no bullet came.

They immediately targeted Arthur.

Arthur is no idiot, he also observed the situation and looked with his eyes wide open.

He understood that the person hidden in shadows is helping Arman, but he doesn't know why.

”Arman, save me too? Please. We can cooperate with each other.”

Arman didn't say anything stood there. He doesn't know what to reply. He knew that someone is helping him, even though he has a faint speculation on who would do so, he couldn't confirm and if his thoughts are correct, there is no way he could ask him for something.

”I don't who it is, but he seems to have chosen me to save in random. I am really sorry Arthur.” With that he ran away without looking back.

”Whoever you are Please save me?” Arthur yelled at the top of his lungs.

But there is no reply.

Sam didn't care about the situation. From what he knew, there are already four people including him and Arman is the fifth person.

As for saving Arthur, he doesn't have that close of a relationship with him. In fact, Arthur has almost clearly drawn a line with him after their few business deals because of his enmity with the Beast faction. He doesn't want to get involved. So, Sam is also not bothered to be involved in this mess.