Chapter 403: Survival Test (1/2)

Sam and the other four entered the cave and when they looked at the familiar place they are standing, they felt a faint nostalgia.

Of course, not all of them. The three other Nascent stage cultivators are all entering the Palace for the first time an they are in extreme awe of the place.

They didn't see anything like this.

Sam looked at the old man standing in the same familiar platform.

It is the same person he met a few years before. Avatar Sanchez. The old man scanned all of them and frowned when he came to Sam, and the frown relaxed when a small spark was shone in the Old man's eye.

At that moment, Sam was completely stunned and turned still as if the whole cover was completely in vain. But he recovered fast enough, because Sanchez is not the person he wants to hide from.

At this moment, the old man spoke.

”Welcome to Palace of Inheritances, this is a place where all of you can inherit the techniques, weapons, skills and other kinds of treasures of extremely superior beings.

Some of you came here previously and some of you are here for the first time. The rules will be different from the previous time, so the new comers need not be flustered.

This time, you don't have to climb floors and do anything of sorts.

All you have to do is enter the room and then you will be informed on how to proceed.

With that he pointed towards the only door in the hall. The five of them slowly walked over and entered the room.

At this instance they saw quite a dazzling site. They didn't expect that something like this would exist behind a door.

After all of them entered, the door behind them disappeared. They are left like that in the middle of some woods. That's right, they are in middle of woods and it didn't seem fake at all.

They could feel the breeze on their faces and the soil and the trees all of them felt real. In fact, too real. Even the spiritual energy is far richer than outside.

They tried to absorb all the energy around them hungrily. But only at this moment, they realized that they are unable to accumulate any more energy than they already have and they even felt like their strengths are shackled. There is look of shock when they realized that all of them are in Nascent stage Level-1.

This is not something they expected or experienced before, so the three new comers are particularly panicky.

At this moment, a voice came and made them come back to their senses.

”Hello, young ones. Welcome to my palace.

You might be feeling surprised with a forest in a palace, but that is my style, I will store any place in my palace if I want. Anyway, today you are all here for inheritances, while the junior of Great realm participates in the boring tests and obtain whatever they want, you guys can play in competition of adults.

Before we go into details, let me make this clear first, you are stuck at the same level for the rest of your stay inside the Palace. No matter the circumstances, you will not be allowed to use more power than a Nascent stage Level-1.

As for the tests, why go through so much trouble to make everything complicated. Let us be clear here and simple.

All the nascent stage cultivators who are in the Palace total up to thirty people. So, all of you will have to survive in this forest until only five of you remains.

There will be opponents in the forests, who up on being destroyed, will give you something in return.

This time, the test is not limited to a month, if you can finish it in a week, then it is done in a week and if takes more than a year, you will stay here for a year. Now, good luck. And by the way, as long as they are of same grade, you can use your weapons as you like.

This is not something hard to understand right. The only thing I can guarantee you is that you don't get killed in this place.

If you understand what I said, what are you waiting for? The Competition already began.”

The tone of voice is extremely majestic and there is a hint of mischief laced through it. The man seemed to be unrestrained and undeterred by anything and everything in the world.

As soon as the voice faded away, Sam noticed that he was being locked by the rest of the candidates.

The four of them are looking at Sam with an extremely cold expressions, since they only five slots, then it is extremely competitive thing and naturally, they wanted to eliminate the outsider first and they will think on how to preserve.