Chapter 323: Fled to the Western Continent (1/2)

After killing almost half of the core disciples and the elders of the sect, Sirona didn't stop, she boarded her beast, which is a Fire-Bird, and flew as fast as she can.

The pursuit didn't stop, the team which is responsible for dealing with Sirona came and boarded their beasts as they gave chase.

Sirona flew into the next region, where the manufacturing of the products of the Usaine sect happens, and flew over the buildings.

She took out some huge metallic puppets and dropped them on specific locations of the Buildings. By the time, the chasing team arrived, she is already floating in the middle of the region as she sat on the fire-bird.

She closed her eyes as she held a large crystal in her hands. Before the team could realize what is happening. The puppets moved and as all of them are humanoid, they stood up and bent over as they placed their arms on the building and spiritual energy entered the buildings.

With a single shine of spiritual energy, the whole manufacturing area, suddenly blew open as the earthen magma which was the main source of the fire elemental energy for the artisans in this area, spew out as it drowned the team and the buildings. The formation which was activated, operated in a certain way as the Pre-transcendent realm expert was only barely able to escape.

He was also severely injured as the earthen Magma is of extremely high-grade as it can be the foundation of the whole Usaine sect's manufacturing zone.

But all the Nascent stage cultivators died, even their bones disappeared and that is not even half of the casualties. The whole buildings and all the artisans, cultivators, or anyone who is present within the range of formations, are dead. Only some pre-transcendent cultivators are able to escape.

The body count would be in the hundreds and combining with the deaths in the core region. Sirona has already killed more than four hundred people and severely injured many Pre-transcendent cultivators.

But the chase didn't stop. There are still some towers which are within the outside range of the formation, they are the sentry towers, Sirona flew towards them and placed her hands on one of the towers.

She destroyed brick and took a metallic box out of her storage and placed it inside. As soon as the hole was filled, the sentry tower split into two and several metallic pikes made their way towards the Pre-transcendent cultivators who barely caught their breath from the damage of the Magma.

The Pike is numerous and they were shot one by one as they covered all directions within the magma range. The Pikes penetrated them into their body and they are immediately paralyzed, they could see a faint glaze indicating the pikes are coated with something.

They lost all hope.

Sirona didn't stop after dealing with them. She flew towards the court building. That building is the only one which has a space-gate to the island which has space-gates connecting to the other places.

By this time, the other people in the area are already alerted, except for the sect-leader and the Grand elders, almost everyone knew what is happening. But there are people who already made a move to inform the sect leader so that he would take action.

The transcendent cultivators started chasing her. even though the Fire-Bird is only a Level-6 beast, it is still fast as it has some sort of superior bloodline-mutation.

The transcendent cultivators don't have transcendent beasts, but they are still faster, though, but they couldn't catch up to her because of the sentry towers.

Sirona activated the sentry towers and the pikes are continuously raining down. Once activated, the tower has to deactivate to stop the pike shooting.

Sirona just left the towers like that and ran away.

Although the transcendent cultivators and their beasts are strong, they don't dare to take the pikes head-on, the poison that was on the pikes is no joke. Some of them are even the ones who collected it.

This inevitably slowed down their pace.

After fifteen minutes, Sirona is already in the Court hall. She has triggered all kinds of traps and security measures that are employed in the whole sect.

The sect leader has learned of this commotion by now and came to the courtroom, followed by the Grand elders and other important members of the sect.

”How dare you Sirona? How dare you betray the sect?” The Sect leader yelled at her righteously. She didn't even bother replying. All of them knew why he had gone crazy all of a sudden and knew that their plan was leaked.

They are just saying this to save face before the disciples who are gathering near the court.

Seeing her silence, the sect-leader was just about to finish her, when Sirona made her move.