Chapter 312: Frenzied Sam- II (1/2)
Both the teams slowly started getting on the stage. They don't have enough authority to even request the temple heads to stop this battle.
They have to. The thunder god temple candidates are a bit nervous, while the beast faction people are a bit more confident.
Because some of the Beast Faction candidates will have beast companions to fight along with him.
The beasts are not restricted from the rules and that is why every year the beast faction people have an edge over the rest of the candidates.
But Sam didn't seem to care. He is just looking at the candidates who are slowly coming onto the stage.
For some reason, ll of them are kind of freaked out by his aura. They know that something is different, but they couldn't put a finger on it.
After all of the got on. The thunder god temple candidates are standing on one side, while the Beast faction candidates are standing on another side. Sam is standing in the middle.
There is no neutral party to act as referee, so every time two teams are battling, the idle team will act as a referee and now it was the Herb Garden who are acting as referees.
A Nascent stage cultivator stood beside the stage to act as a referee.
Sam coldly observed the beast faction candidates as if they are lambs ready to be slaughtered.
He couldn't find Sanjay there, but he is not sane enough to think about the reasons of his absence.
When the referee signaled the beginning of the fight, the beast faction members took out their beasts.
Only six out of ten have beasts as their companions and Sam could recognize that out of three only three are complete beast warriors with a contract with their beasts, the remaining three are just ordinary tamers.
This is their plan. The faction also agreed for the same reason. Since they can overwhelm the others with numbers, why would they let go of such an opportunity?
And thunder god temple is always a tough competitor for all of them, in all categories. So, they didn't even bother to stop them. They are actually extremely glad that the two tough competitors are dealing with each other.
Philip and Jack are on tenterhooks, while Nicholas is extremely excited, he controlled his urge to start a fight, he noticed that Sam is really pissed about this, he would really piss him off more if he wants to take a share in the battle.
The Beast faction candidates first decided to send the beasts instead of fighting themselves.
But as they took a step forward, Sam looked at them with a smirk and released the beastly aura of the five beasts. All the beasts Sam had a contract with are of far superior bloodline, in front of them, these six beasts are like vermin.
He didn't even bother with to battle them.
”Kneel.” Sam spat out coldly and the six beasts prostrated as if they received a goldy command.
All the spectators are stunned. Particularly the seniors from the Beast faction. He could sense the primordial beastly aura from Sam.
He is one of the knowledgeable persons, regarding beasts on this planet, but he couldn't recognize the beastly aura.
What surprised him, even more, is with a single command, he made the beasts kneel and made them completely disregard the command of their owners.
The Beast faction members felt something was off and ran towards the beasts hastily. The beasts are their companions, not meat shields, so they are not going to leave them like that. They were afraid that the thunder god temple candidates will make a move directly.
Sam looked at Jack and Philip and said.
”Try to hold them off for a few seconds.”
With that, he made a move and arrived at the nearest corner of the hexagon. He poured some inscription ink and controlled it with the water elemental energy.
The rest of them couldn't understand what he is doing, but one of the Beast faction candidates who held a spear was about to make a move on Sam, but Jack interrupted him.
The rest of the candidates are also about to make a move, but Philip and Nicholas also sprang into action.
Sam didn't even take a glance at the situation, he moved from one corner to another and soon covered all six corners and before they knew it there is a barrier formed around the hexagonal stage.
Sam used the inscriptions to create energy nodes and created a formation and now all of them are trapped inside, there is no way out for them.
The thunder god temple candidates have yet to make a move, except for Philip, Jack,and Nicholas, the rest of them didn't get involved yet as the beast faction candidates are mainly focusing on dealing with Sam.
Suddenly, the spear-wielding guy from the t faction escaped the siege of Philip and ran towards Sam, who is still turned outside. His arms started glowing and the muscles became extremely tense as he used maximum power to thrust at the of Sam.
Sam evaded to the side, but still couldn't dodge the attack properly, he threw a left hook at the shaft if the spear, making the attack deflect to the side.