Chapter 176: Pregnancy (2/2)
He let the mother mouse stay there and said to the father mouse.
”She would stay here from now on, you take responsibility for the food and all her needs. You both can stop taking any missions. The rest will take care of that.”
After saying his piece, Sam went to the Herb garden in the dark element area and started picking all kinds of spiritual energy nourishing herbs of dark element.
He went into the tower to look for some potion recipes. Potions are easier to make than the pills.
The difficultly in potions only lies in the heat control and the fire strong enough to take the essence of the herbs. But the pills are of different story.
There is a lot of spiritual energy in play which Sam didn't really like that much. When he just browsed through some info on both, his felt that potions are much better to make as the herbs and essence are also least bit modified. All the change that was done is the heat application, and mixture of various essences in required proportions.
But the pills, there is a lot of a human being's spiritual energy interfering and modifying the herbs and formulating pills with direct contact. This didn't sit well with Sam.
So, he decided that if he were to enter the medicine market he would focus of the potions and he also saw many possibilities of mass production in case of potions.
For now, he is going to brew a potion for the Shadow mouse who is pregnant.
Sam didn't think that he was the kindest guy in the world and he also doesn't have deep sentiments. He himself killed many people and many of them are mothers or children of a mother. If it is an enemy he never thought about these things.
But even for his pets, beasts, companions or subordinates, he felt differently. The shadow mice and his is a mutually beneficial relationship.
Even if the mice themselves feel differently and think of him as a master, he didn't think same. For his subordinates those who are working for him, he would never short change them.
Particularly for the shadow mice who helped him so much by keeping their life on the line, he would take care of them at all costs. They are not his tools after all.
Sam was treated as a tool for more than half his life in his past life time. He doesn't want to treat others like that.
And his subordinate having a child, even if it was a mouse whose life might seem insignificant to many people is good news for him.
Sam stayed inside the tower's second floor for a long time and made one of the simplest but most effective potion. After storing it in several glass bottles, Sam went back to the dark element zone to give to the pregnant mouse.
But the scene shocked him. He saw there are two other mice couples in their special time within their small holes in the rocks.
He was stunned and didn't even know what to say. Only the four young mice who are single and angry about the situation noticed him.
He didn't even know whether he should make his presence known. But after some thoughts, he decided not be a third wheel for any couple and gave the youngsters the potion bottles and said.
”Give them to the mother, tell her to consume as much as possible.”
As he was about to leave one of the young mice asked a question which made him regret being like this.
”Boss, we are still single, can you get some mice from some…” Another shadow mouse closed that guy's mouth without letting him finish.
Sam's face turned red in fury.
'Damn it, I just congratulated a couple who are going to have children and now you are treating me as broker. If not for the fact that I don't want to spoil the happiness and despised for disturbing their love time, I would have blasted your ass off.'
Sam cursed that young mouse in his mind many times before moving away.
He was thinking if he should make some wide and large home for the mice.
Even though, these are categorised under mice, they are actually very different from them.
Normal mice actually have ten litters per year and each litter will have six to ten babies. But their life span is also between two to eight years.
But the shadow mice are different. Their bloodline is of very high quality and they have very large lifespan which made their reproduction a little difficult, they can only get one of two litters in a decade and each litter will give from four to six babies based on the nourishment they take.
But from these mice behaviour, there is a great chance that the remaining two mice also becoming pregnant, and they obviously will grow in number.
For now, since there are no more dark element beasts, there is no problem but once they come shadow mice might have problem adjusting with the large number of their family. So, he is thinking if he should build some place to create a proper home for them.