60 Philosophers Stone (1/2)
Reclining on the sofa, Kilian heaved a long sigh and shut his eyes close.
”The three-step plan to world domination got a hell of a lot more complicated when I unwittingly threw the realm into civil war,” he jested and waved his hand, causing a chart to emerge from the Hellforge and appear before Jezebel. On the chart, a step by step process culminating in the conquest of Orloth and its separation from the Arcadian Empire stood. Browsing it, Jezebel now realized the true reason behind Kilian's wish to attend the Imperial Academy.
”No wonders. It's not the academy you wanted. You were just building a bridge.”
”Indeed. With my current strength, taking over the Imperial Academy is impossible. Though across my generation I will rarely meet rivals. Among the Department Chairs, more than one can give me trouble. As for Headmaster Hanns, he doesn't need three spells to put me down.
Moreover, there are way too many high-ranking von Skoll scions in the academy. Hanns, Ayden, Tristan, Estrella, Alan, Irma, all those are high-ranking members of the imperial family, with too many eyes glued on them. The closer they stand to me, the more barriers my schemes will face.
What, or rather, who I really wanted, is Esther zu Ruhkfort, the Chair of Technomancy. By combining our abilities, taking over the academy's magical technology would be child's play. From that point on, we could effortlessly turn this place into our second and most powerful information network.
At the same time, Esther's hatred for her husband would open the road to a marriage with Carmen. The rest, you can imagine,” Kilian explained with a tinge of exasperation. Thanks to the Celestial Garden, he'd collected vast information on Orloth's aristocracy and royal family. 25 years ago, back when she'd just turned 18, Esther was forced by her father to marry King Erik in exchange for exclusive trade deals and 1.2 million qraftas. Three years later, she gave birth to Carmen. Rumor was that to placate Erik's fears, Rupert executed Esther's lover, and used her eldar mother's life to coerce her.
”You would replicate Ostria's virus, turn Orloth's aristocracy into Fehl Beasts, and use your serum to keep them under control. By the time your miniature star was completed, across Arcadia, not many could resist your forces,” Now accustomed to Kilian's train of thoughts, Jezebel inferred.
”Indeed. But now I realize that I've been too naive. Esther isn't that easy to subdue. In fact, I'm starting to think that she holds close ties to Niklas, the Technocracy, or both,” Kilian presumed, and if at first the words puzzled Jezebel, a brief examination helped her see through the issues.
”She's the only non-Archon to hold a department chair position. Theoretically, we can blame that on her outstanding abilities. After all, in the Arcadian Empire, not many dedicate their lives to Technomancy. Skilled Archon technomancers are few and far between, and even they can't compare to her.
However, there are two issues. At 43, with her talent, how could she not be an Archon? Esther was born with nine Unlocked Roots and inherited the eldar blood of her captive mother. She should have risen to the Archon rank years ago. Meaning that...”
”She's either suppressing her true abilities, or someone else is suppressing them. As for the second issue, the emperor isn't so stupid as to put one of the last remnants of the people he genocided at such a prestigious position. Even if he were, the elder council wouldn't allow it. Which means…”
”Either she's on trial, or a certain someone helped suppress the elder council's fears. Niklas, or spies without the imperial family's best interests at heart—the Technocracy. And knowing Niklas…”
”The Technocracy's agents must have guaranteed that Esther can never rise to Archon or beyond. Perhaps they destroyed her Dra Roots, or put her magical abilities under a potent seal, be that as it may, my money is on the Technocracy.”
Kilian and Jezebel finished one another's thoughts and came to the same conclusion—and they weren't far from the truth.
”Assuming we're correct, the Technocracy's seepage of Arcadia is far, far more absolute than we imagined. We might be walking by members daily, and not even realize it. Worse, perhaps they found ways to control or impersonate von Skoll kin to further their goals.” Kilian didn't believe that any imperial kinsman would willingly join the Technocracy. After all, the von Skolls ruled Arcadia. What else did they need? For them to ruin their own foundation made no sense whatsoever.
How then could he imagine that Burkhart von Skoll lead the Technocracy?
”Now, Rupert rose in rebellion. Why did he dare? To say nothing of him, even the Grand Duke of Rulweil doesn't dare rebel against the von Skoll dynasty. There are better ways to commit harakiri. For Rupert to take this stance shows that he possesses formidable backers. That, or he went mad from grief,” Kilian's voice trailed in uncertainty. Could such a ruthless man lose his mind for one lost son?