29 Past Mischief (1/2)
”Impossible. Klaus can't possibly be the son of Niklas,” Jezebel categorically denied Kilian's motion. After learning of his past experiences, she finally understood why he turned into such an oddity. But though she'd often agree with his reasoning, on this one topic, she wouldn't.
”Why not? Niklas von Skoll is no gentleman. The terror of his early reign still rumbles in the mind of the aristocracy. A man like him would never tolerate a Klaus to exist under his imperial rule. Yet, he's been watching him incessantly grow for decades.
There are only two logical explanations. Klaus is either his blood or someone he can guarantee will never harm him. You dare bet on the latter?” Kilian countered. Although this assumption was nothing more than an educated guess, many across Arcadia were starting to form the same thought.
The callousness of Niklas made Ivan the Terrible look like an altar boy. 50 years ago, while he still was Crown Prince of Arcadia and Grand Master of the Divine Glory, claiming that all land rightfully belonged to the human race, Niklas led an unprecedented war against the eldar tribes east of Arcadia, slaughtering more than 1.5 million eldars in the name of ”the holy race.”
The Seven Grand Masters all possessed the unique right to wage wars against non-humans, without needing the consent of the emperor. But rarely would any ever use it. In fact, across the Arcadian Empire's 3,000 years of history, there weren't more than eight such occurrences.
Although humans somewhat distrusted the eldars, the two sides rarely engaged in conflicts. Better, in the early stages of the empire, when the human race's arcane arts and technological level stood at a primitive stage, the eldars provided great help. Therefore, even after the empire surpassed them, the past emperors always tolerated the eldars' existence.
Niklas didn't. On the one hand, he used the eldars' genocide to petrify the nobility, on the other hand, he turned the eldars into massive dra sources by crystalizing their blood, and robbed all their ancient treasures. Following the massacre, the previous emperor abdicated and vanished from Arcadia's political scene. How could such a man tolerate Klaus?
”Niklas is possessive, callous and unforgiving. Let's assume for one second that Klaus is his bastard son. Niklas would take the mother and child back to the Imperial City, regardless of who the husband might be. Never, ever, would he let a woman he touched remain beyond his reach. As for having his flesh and blood raised by another man? That's simply impossible,” Jezebel shook her head in disapproval. But in her words, Kilian sensed a familiarity he found quite puzzling.
”You seem to have a thorough understanding of the emperor,” Kilian remarked in an inexpressive tone. But when his words echoed, Jezebel arched an eyebrow, placed her arm on his shoulder, and whispered, ”Is that jealousy I hear?”
Alas, Kilian's following words crushed all her expectations.
”I am your bonded partner and you're currently sitting on my lap. It's already great that I don't gloat, what need do I have for jealousy?” He candidly replied. Jezebel rolled her eyes, wondering why she asked in the first place.
”140 years ago, I used to shove dildos down his ass,” Jezebel replied with a shrug. This time, Kilian couldn't help but blink in disbelief.
”For real?”
”I can't bear to deceive my Lothario.”
”He's the Emperor of Arcadia, sovereign ruler of five billion, leader of the human race, and you did what?” Kilian couldn't believe his ears. But seeing Jezebel sigh in proud reminiscence, he had no other choice but to accept her words.
”I suppose you can say that a lot of his current personality stems from my teachings. Maybe I should have gone easier on him. But he was way too conceited,” Jezebel pursued. But in her words, Kilian couldn't help but feel that there was more to the story than she let on.