146 Chapter 146 (1/2)

Pedro sighed after seeing the resolution in the eyes of his son, this was the first time that his son wanted something so badly. He understood directly that this was important.

”I have a little courtyard in a hill near the city, there is also an agriculture land, that I use to grow corps. This is one of my personal assets, so the clan cannot interfere with what I do with it. There are also some slaves, they will help you with your necessities and plant the crops.”

The clan had clear rules about personal assets, normally a normal clan member would not be able to own nothing under his name, if he wanted to buy a house or a something, he needed to go to the elders and ask them to buy it in the name of the clan.

But the elders and the clan leader had the right to possess a limited amount of assets under their name without sharing it with the clan, it was to show the other clan members that they had a higher status. But the assets could not exceed an amount of money, if they did excess then they have to give it to the clan too. It was very bad for the hard-working members of the clan, because all their hard-worked money would go in the case of the clan and then distributed to all the clan members.

There were some situation were a family in the clan bought a house after a long time or built it, but then the clan elders decided to give that house to another clan member and the family that worked hard for it would have to shut up and lower their heads.

But this was the only method to support the cultivators in the clan, because if they had to work and cultivate, then they would not grow fast and strong.

This was the sad destiny of the normal clan members, that were also the majority. They were born to support the cultivation of the cultivators and if they tried to do something against this rules, then they would be expelled from the clan and all what they had would be confiscated. So, they would have to leave with only their clothes on and nothing more, not even a necklace that your parents gifted you would be saved from the confiscation.

Chen Lee then got the exact ubication of the courtyard and then thanked his father and left the office.

His father could only sigh the whole time because he could not understand his son.

”I wish you were born as a genius; on this way you would not have so many difficulties.”

”Butler Gin!”

Pedro shout and waited.