138 Chapter 138 (1/2)
The auction continued slowly and nothing important happened. For Haytam was this auction very boring, he did not find anything that he liked or something he could need.
”Ladies and gentleman, this is our last item. This item was found by and adventurer in a cave and is very mysterious. We tried to find out what it is, but we could not find out. But we are sure that this item is special and could be used to store QI in it.”
”For everyone that has interest in it, the item will begin at the basis price of 25.000 gold coins. The auction begins now.”
The people in the audition looked at the item, that looked like a necklace with a ring on it, but at the same time the ring was fused with the necklace and could not be moved. The necklace looked beautiful, but nobody knew for what it was good. They could not buy a necklace for 25.000 gold coins only for joy. It was too expensive.
Haytam who was still sitting lazily and thinking about his plan, thought for a moment and he was absolutely concentrated. But as he saw the necklace, he thought that it was a good item.
”Why is a spirit container here? It is a high rank item and should not appear in this barren land. Should I buy it?” Asked Haytam to himself and a little after without thinking, he bid for the necklace.
”The first bid is here; someone wants to bid higher?” Sara Mi was absolutely happy to see someone that wants to buy this almost useless necklace.
”What is he doing? Does he have too much money to spend?” The others were all curious why someone would spend money on that necklace, that seemed useless.
”it seems like the young master in the VUÌP room is the only that has interest in our item, if no one bids a higher price, then our item will go to this young master in 1, 2, 3! Congratulations!”
Haytam nodded and was satisfied with himself, at the end he bought something, that was good.