130 Chapter 130 (1/2)

Haytam already knew what the people here would need, and he left everything on the hill in a cottage he built. All the materials were provided by the system and they would be enough to build a whole city.

Even if they needed something more, there was a computer like device that was connected with the system, and if they had problems or needed something, they could alarm him.

After settling everything down, he wrote a letter and let it in the house that the village gave him.

Then he left the village and disappeared in the horizon.

A few hours later in the village, Sam and Sara were searching for Haytam. They needed to consult about organization matters. But after searching him a long time, they could not find any traces of him.

Only after searching in the house, they found a letter on the table. Sam took the letter and read it. Directly after he finished reading it, he had tears in his eyes.

Sara saw him crying and took the letter and began to read it by herself:

”Dear little brothers and sisters, I remember the first time I met you in that old house and decided to take you under my protection. At that time, you were so small and fragile, that even the wind could blow you away. You had such a terrible life, that I could not ignore you and continue with my life. After taking you with me, for the first time of my life a got a sense of responsibility, and even if I was not with you the whole time, I was proud of you. It was a pleasure seeing you growing up.

I know I made your lives difficult as I failed choosing a good wife and made you suffer for years and do things you did not wanted to do. I really regret it. But somehow, I could correct this and now almost everything is ok. You are not anymore young and free, some of you have a family and others are searching for one. But I cannot do the same as you for now.

I decided to go away and search for a new adventure, but I go without guilt, then I know you are in a better place. I know you have to build it before it becomes perfect, but I know you can do it.

I tried to stay here, but I am not the type of person that can stay in a place and live peacefully.

Thank you for everything, I love you all. Maybe we can see each other soon.