126 Chapter 126 (1/2)

”Can you imagine how old I am?” Asked the old man.

”No, I do not know.” Replied Haytam confused.

”I am 1254 years old; I am the oldest person that ever lives in this village. But do you know why I stay in this village instead of going somewhere else and became stronger?”

”No, why?”

”I was born in this village as the son of a man, that was weaker than all the other men in the village, therefor he was bullied. But he was a strong man and he worked harder than everyone and raised his two sons. Surprisingly the two of his sons were both geniuses, they cultivated much faster than everyone else in the village. Because of that the village elder of that time decided to send them to the empire in the near and let them train and become stronger. What do you think until now?”

”I think you found luck in the unluck.”

”Maybe, but one of the two sons had grudges against the village because of his hard and difficult childhood. Once he established himself in the empire and had power, he began to use his influence to make the empire destroy the village. But the other son always stopped every attack on the village with his own power. The son with grudges stayed in the capital and continued his cultivation while sending forces to destroy the village. While the other son, that was much more talented, returned to the village to protect it. Now, I am old, and I do not know when I will die, but I know that my brother is still very lively and looks still young and he will do all he can to destroy this village.” He stopped and a tear flow on his cheek, but without crying. Then he continued: ”Sometimes your nearest family can be more destructive than others. I left everything behind me, the fame, the power, and everything only to save this village. While my brother became the emperor of the Crow empire. But do you know what? I never regretted once my decision. I did everything I could to save my home and my family, even if the cost were a high one. I did not reach the highest point of the cultivation I could have reached, but I ma happy to have seen generation after generation growing up and dying.”

Haytam listened silently and heard the peaceful voice of the tribe elder and was surprised about the live of this old man. He may have been betrayed by a girl that he loved for a short time and finite. But he was betrayed by his own brother in blood. Honestly, Haytam did not know how to react about this, this was something he did not expect to hear from the old man.

”Did you ever tried to end this, even of you have to ill your own brother?” Asked Haytam after a long time of thinking.

”Of course, but you have to imagine that he has an army behind him and influential people. So, the only thing I could do is to kill those weak soldiers and cultivators that were send every time. And after centuries of the same thing, it became a habit of mine. I was only waiting for someone before I die.”

”Why are you saying you were looking for someone before you die? Are you searching for someone special or what? I can help you; I have the medium to do it.” Haytam offered his help.