115 Chapter 115 (1/2)

The whole room was silent, in a short time a lot of things happened, and they could not digest everything in a short time.

Haytam had a dry smile in his life, but it he looked more sad than happy. Whatever he quickly came back to his normal mood and said: ”Now, what should I do with you?”

He was addressing to Peter, Carlos, and Jessica. He could hill the three of them easily, but it would be too easy.

They looked at him and Peter replied: ”We accept every punishment; it was our fault.”

Haytam laughed and replied: ”ok, then I will take all your cultivation and seal your minds. From now on, you will live like mortals. Every try to cultivate will kill you and you cannot teach anyone.”

As he said that, at the same time the three of them began to feel weaker and weaker and their minds felt blocked.

They instantly realized what happened, but there was no regret. They accepted the punishment and then left the room with the head lowered. They lost everything they had, and they will live like mortals, it was like telling a god to come to the mortal world and live there, but this was the reality when you make the wrong decision.

After they left Haytam could relax and then he sits in the middle and stared at the others.

”Hello, I missed you all. You all changed a lot; you look so adult now. It is incredible how time pass. Honestly, I thought I would die, and I would never come back again, but here I am. I know that we have to restore a lot of time together, but before that we have to talk about living this dimension.”

Haytam stopped talking then he took a long breath and continued:

”This dimension was never suitable for people as strong as we are, if we continue living here, the dimension will be in danger. The QI we need to live and cultivate is much more than what the dimension can produce. Till today was it okay, but if we continue here, in two years the dimension will begin to fall apart, and a lot of natural disasters will happen.”

”Therefor we will leave this place and go to another dimension that can provide the QI without problem. Once we are there, we can talk and do what you want, but now we have to live.”