84 Chapter 84 (1/2)

A few days later in the city center

Haytam and Alice were walking in the streets of their city and they were amusing their selves. Both looked very happy and both had a big smile in their faces, they were talking too.

Alice wanted today to go out with Haytam to spend time with him, she wanted absolutely to go to the city center, Haytam didn't knew why, but he loved to be with her so he went with her.

Then suddenly she said:” Haytam close your eyes, I have a surprise for you. AND don't use your spiritual sense to see around you, I warn you that you will regret it if you see it before.”

Haytam was surprised by the suddenly wish from his wife, he didn't expected anything from his wife and he didn't knew any place in this place to have an idea, he replied:” Ok, but you will walk me around, if I shouldn't use my senses anymore.”

Alice replied:” Of course, now close your eyes.”

Haytam closed his eyes and Alice took his hand and began to walk with him to an unknown place, Haytam followed her and because he turned his senses off, he felt a little nervous and was a kind off insecure. He was feeling something that something strange was happening around him, because his instinct told him the whole time to run away, but he wanted to trust Alice so he didn't did anything.

Then he heard the voice of Alice again and she said:” Haytam, sit here. Your surprise is coming soon, but don't dare to open your eyes.”

Haytam ignored his instinct and said:” My wife, tell me what the surprise is, I can't wait anymore.”

Alice replied:” Darling, this is the first time that I prepared a surprise for you since we married, please hold on for a moment more.”

Haytam sighed and said:” Ok, but quicker please.”

Alice replied:” Yes, don't worry.”

Then Haytam waited for at least a quarter hour more, but the surprise was still isn't here. But then he heard Alice voice again:” Ok, the surprise is here. But don't open you eyes until I tell you.”

Haytam replied:” Ok, but I don't understand what is so important to wait for it for so long, I wou...Agh ....wha...t”