41 Chapter 40: A Journey into the Unknown 13 (1/2)
COPYRIGHT © A. D. Torres
Date Published: March 28, 2020
Chapter Title: A Journey into the Unknown (13)
Chapter no. 40
(Qin Zetian's POV)
The dagger on my neck will leave me with a scar, at this rate it should be a big scar, but if I don't fight head on my life will be in great danger. If my calculations are right the team should have reached the gates of the capital, they should be halfway through the road and nearer to the manor. If I surrender without a fight men here will never respect me, and it's likely that when they capture me I'll be tortured.
The man in front of me is so powerful, I don't know what tricks to play with him. His eyes say how wise and intelligent he is, and his build shows how strong he can be. The sword on my hand shook violently. My horse continued to flap its wings on the air, luckily the guards never targeted him. And I am relieved that this horse is incredibly smart.
”What do you want us to talk about?” I asked
But the dagger already cut through my skin, the pain engulfed my neck as I feel the blood trickling down. He won't really show me mercy, I am an unmarried woman and he carved a scar on my neck. How does he expect me to get married? In this era only few will want someone who has a scar, and the rules of the noble households implied that no noble man can marry a girl with flaws.
”Why do you have the princess?” He asked
”What princess? If you mean the imperial princess Wang Roushi she came for a vacation with the empress. I did no such thing as kidnapping” I answered
The dagger even went deeper.