10 Chapter 9: The Wonders of Living 3 (1/1)


Date Published: March 28, 2020

Chapter Title: The Wonders of Living (3)

Chapter no. 9

(Elizabeth's POV)

The horse and I run along the arrays, brandishing daggers on visible and hidden target boards. It is a smooth ride and my father's horse is really obedient. I doubt most people in this era treat animals like a person, if animals are treated like mere objects they would likely despise you. An animal has its own feelings, so when I decided to ride this horse I treated it like my person.

When we are running back, I saw my brother along with three princes and a princess. What are they doing here?

The prince on white robes brought his sword and walk towards my direction. I have an inkling that he will ask me to duel with him. What's odd is that I see no expression on his face, but his lucid eyes show what it wants. I loosened the position of my feet from the stirrups.

The prince did not say anything but he dashed forward in great speed, what a great way to say ”hi!” I withdraw my hold of the reins as his scabbard unleashed a mighty imperial sword. I moved my legs and stood on the horse. His sword thrash the air as he cover the distance between us. I did a back flip on the air and landed near the standing soldiers.

The prince positioned his body in a fighting stance. And in a blink of an eye he move to chase after me. So I grabbed two swords from the waistbands of the soldiers standing near me. I doubt I'll win against him using one sword, might as well try my luck with double blades. Even if these are incomparable to the durability of an imperial sword, I have full confidence in my skills.

He stood back, so I took the opportunity to run forward. I flipped on the air once more and landed behind him. I strike down using one sword, and the other is readying to take cover. Both of us are silent as we exchange blows or dodge heavy and powerful attacks.

His strikes were accurate and merciless. One wrong move from me will make me bleed. I keep on advancing two paces at a time, so the both of us look like rehearsing a sword dance. When I was young my father taught me of dancing techniques in martial arts, Capoeira is one of the best types. It is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It is known for its acrobatic and complex maneuvers, often involving hands on the ground and inverted kicks.

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I am using a combination of footwork and hand techniques without using kicks or punches, but actually applying fencing swordsmanship. His highness could still catch up with my modern techniques. But I can scheme against his attacks, yet there are too many eyes watching, if I really injured the prince the palace will punish me.

So I need to have a sparring match with him, instead of wounding up each other. His stamina is great so I need to end this quickly. I triple the pace of wielding the swords at hand and deliver higher intensified blows.