34 Chapter 33 - Buying Agriculture Land 2 (2/2)

”How much is a price”

”Though it is abandoned the price is still the same as the standard selling price”

”I'd like to purchase it”

”Are you sure?”

”Yes, and don't worry about the bandits I have good ways in dealing them”

”Okay, let's head to a nearby restaurant.”

”Great idea”

We are all headed to the restaurant that was built two miles away from the area. It was luxurious and for sure the owner isn't someone ordinary. He must have a good power, since this mountain is raided often by the bandits. And the local tribes were already gone. Preserving something in the wild without being harmed should cost a lot of expenses.

The restaurant is another level in everything. The design is good although it cannot compare to my shop in the capital, it is very modest and clean. The magistrate ordered food for all of us. I also told one ofnmy subordinates to order food for the soldiers accompanying us.

But I discovered one thing on the food.

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