94 Chapter 22 - Entering the Rose Gate (1/2)
”Cya Maud!” Ellie kissed the old granny's head goodbye.
”You stay safe out there young lady, knives aren't as protective as a good man you know,” whistled the old coot. Ellie rolling her eyes.
”Maud, I'm not getting married! Not now, not ever. I like being as I am, and don't you worry, knives are plenty good at protecting little 'ol me,” winking Ellie went to lick the flat of her blade like she used too, but stopped. That was something she did with the gang, with Scab and the rest.
Ellie was a new person now, she needn't act depraved to get a reaction or throw off her marks, no she could be normal if she wanted too. Normal, such a weird word, what did it even mean?
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Ellie thought on that as she exited the new hospice and a series of Furbolg druids were ushered inside. Ellie had great hopes for them, Arti having mentioned their ceremonies were even more potent than just his powers alone, and soon the great many sick and wounded might be on their feet again.
Tariak bustled, somehow, and Ellie found it infuriating.
Satyr, Fauns, Sun Elves, Furbolgs....oh, and the humans that had called this place home before them. Those humans lined up by the dozen before Fae Clinics, eager to get their 'Glamour' that would see their memories of the war fade, and their cheeks became all rosy with glee.
Ellie spat on the road, refusing to ever be parted with the memories of Scab. No matter how much it hurt, Ellie felt that forgetting him would be like letting him die for good.
”Excuse me, coming through!” Ellie announced as she pushed through the crowd, people from all over the world seemingly wanting to live right here now that the Far King has used his enchantments to do the place up. But even though the farms grew green, the air was sweet and everyone was housed, Ellie would rather have the creature's head than his thanks. Every red-eyed Fae she saw around town made her clench her dagger, and wonder whether it was worth throwing everything away for a little revenge.
Each time she reluctantly moved along. Ellie wasn't strong enough yet, only one of those refined creatures had nearly defeated both Kenji and Lord Swan, so what hope did Ellie have?
But if she grew stronger...then something might be achieved.
”Ellie, your late if we're training today!” hissed Scales as Ellie entered the Golden Goose Guildhall. The snake woman spent her time here now, as did most of the Headless Hunter Guildmembers due to some buddy-buddy relationship between their Guildmasters.
”Not training with blades today Scales, Kenji has a special mission for us!” Ellie shouted back, scales flicking her snake tongue in concern.
”You be careful, I went to that place yesterday and it's dangerous. Take your time, be careful,” Scales hissed, Ellie waving as she ran past the greybeard and up the stairs, ”will do Scales. Cya!”
Rushing around the Veteran Adventurers, what few that remained, Ellie arrived in the strategy room. Within her, Party was ready, as were two others of a mixture of races.
”The leader of Ellie's Crew has arrived,” announced a Sun Elf Butler, Violet nodding her thanks.
”Take your position then, and let's begin.” Lady Violet was always such a strange person to be around, her authority flowing around the room to send Armen and Rams into straight-backed stances. Then there was all that flowing silk and jewelled rings as if Violet were some princess that Ellie should be bowing too.
Fial yawned and Dwargon peered at the nearby cabinet filled with bottles of strong spirits with longing. Ellie tried to be subtle when she glared at them.
”Now, Ellie's Crew, Sundrake and Bloodhorn...it's time we get started,” Violet gave Ellie an annoyed look. Violet recited everything they knew of the dungeon, it's tricks, it's secrets and how to stay safe.