48 chapter 48 - Faithless Faun (1/2)

Hero Scout Willsimulated 24000K 2022-07-23

Kenji's eyes fluttered as he continued to recall the Faun's memories.

”Kenji, you've been like this for an hour. Shouldn't we get going?” Violet whispered, patting his furred head just as Tenko had his fluffy ears.

”This is bad you guys...this Far King... he is going to wage war against the humans. He planned to ensare us in his enchantments too most likely, this faun didn't know for sure but it wouldn't be the first time.”

”Kenji, you'll have to make more sense than that. What do you mean it wouldn't be the first time?”

”Those demonic satyr for example, they serve the Far King too. He has enchanted them to be slaves to his will, and forces them to trade pieces of their soul for power, to make them better warriors. Those captured monsters too, it doesn't matter how aggressive they are, if they trigger his enchantments he can enslave them to his desires indefinitely. Just imagine it Violet, an entire army of zealous monsters!”

”Then we'll break out Gold Beans, Grey and then run away!” Tenko added, ”all the way to Tariak and warn the guilds!”

”We don't have the time to do them both. We have to split up,” Kenji said ,turning to see the pair respond with squinting eyes.

”Last time you pissed off the Warden Company with your stunt and we both had to fight seperated. Splitting up was a bad idea then, and it's a bad idea now,” Violet snapped as if that were the end of it.

Approaching as the little faun, Kenji held her hands and looked all the way up into those slitted lilac eyes.

”This is different. The Far King has rules to his powers, triggers that can be avoided. With this Faun's memory I can get around them, and looking like this I'll be able to both activate the enchanted path and enter the Far King's realm without raising suspicion. This is the only way, and meanwhile I need you two to get the warriors of Tariak ready, with the amount of creatures the Far King is assembling... it'll be a huge battle. The first in a grand war if we don't stop the Far King here.”

They both stared at him with doubtful expressions.

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”I'll save our new friends, collect some information and then come meet you. It'll be simple, there is no reason for concern.”

”Tenko doesn't like splitting up again. Tenko hates it!”