26 Chapter 26 - Battle Royale (1/2)
”All is ready, Templar,” Hissed the Highest Custodian of his majesties prison.
”I'm not a Templar anymore. Jack...call me Jack,” Jack said, without his holy armour, vestments and scripture that he had carried on him since being born. A lifetime in the order had come to a crashing end, and while shamed beyond belief, Jack had yet to give up on this chance of redemption.
”Then...Jack the Warden. They are assembled.”
”Jack, you should start sooner rather than later. The One has demanded speed in this matter,” muttered a red-robed inquisitor.
”Thank you Phillip, it means a lot to me that you decided to remain in my service. All of you, thank you for your loyalty. I do not deserve it,” Jeck turned to bow his shaved head at the man. Again be bowed, although this time to the neatly dressed rows of inquisitor priests and crusaders standing far behind.
”The pleasure is ours. When we heard our Templar was being discharged in such a fashion, we all knew then and there our time to serve the three in the Cathedral had come to an end. I wish to catch them as much as you do, Jack. We all do. Those evil souls that ruined such a holy place...,” Phillip stared with hard blue eyes like chips of ice, and his rugged hands clasped with white knuckles around his sword-staff. Behind him the temple Faithful grew similar stern, the fires of retribution flickering brightly in their eyes.
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The day was rainy, thunder blared in the distance and it's flashes of light lit the large stone room that they above. Shaped into an octagon, the huge room was meant to serve as the eating hall for this prison. Instead, the tables had been removed, the hundreds of inmates handed weaponry and pushed to the walls. The guards had withdrawn to their high turrets and vantage points to watch with relative safety, yet even they were armed to the teeth in case the prisoners turned on them.
The guards gave Jack's followers odd looks, their sauntering steps, rusting equipment and lack of faith making them a completely separate - lesser - breed of warrior.
”Than let us begin.”
Jack the Warden rose a hand, all the prisoner's eyes fixating on him.
”Criminals, heretics....traitors. I have come to offer you a chance of redemption, a chance at salvation! You have been gathered, armoured and left to ponder. Well, wonder as to your fate no more. Those who pass this test will be offered clemency and the chance to join me on the Thunberad Crusade! Heaven eternal! Wealth enough to live a prince! Fame enough to become a legend! Glory like you have never before dreamed! These will be yours, instead of a wretched cell, segregated from society and spat upon - you could have it all!”
Jack watched as the inmates held their weapons tighter, each displaying various levels of efficiency and professionalism in their stance. The monsters amongst them unnerved the mere humans, the one known as 'Flower Knight' all alone in her area of the hall despite being the only one still bound by chain and lock. A woman who now had flowers blooming from her hair and vines wrapping her arms as if she were a part tree...Jack couldn't blame them.
”Many of you were born into slums, forests, poor villages and poorer families. Others amongst you made hard choices in hard times and were made criminal due to situations forced upon you. Yet a life of honour is still possible for you, a life of respect, and a life that will be celebrated by the world. YOU can save humanity from the 18 evil souls, YOU can be heroes!”
Cheers, erratic but strong. Then more, stamping feet, bright grins.
”What do we have to do?” Roared a man with a toad's neck and three teeth.
”You need to cut down the unworthy - while proving your own ability in combat. Where we go there will be demons, fallen saints, ancient evils and wicked gods. You must prove yourself capable, and not a liability. You all number four hundred in this hall, yet I have room for only forty. Rest assured, the last forty left alive will see their wounds tended too with the small team of priests and crusaders I have on hand.”
Jack stood still as a statue, the prisoners eyeing one another below. None dared make the first move, the Flower knight's mad laughter the only sound other than the tinkling of rain and crashing of lightning.