9 Chapter 9 - Evil Souls 18 (1/2)
Kenji scanned the boy knight's memories quickly and decided to snatch a silver candle from the shrine to the Everseeing. More than a mere candle, Kenji could now see it was filled with holy power. Used as a magical focus, this is what had allowed Arthur to cast spells that he had spent years learning.
Turning slowly, Kenji strode to where the corpse of Mr Guard lay.
”I'm sorry Mr Guard, but I promise I will avenge you. So you can rest now, and thank you very much for the help. Even if I couldn't keep your boy alive,” Kenji wiped away the tears as he pulled away the iron helm. The man was rugged, with a broken nose and eyes that stared into eternity.
Slowly, Kenji closed them. Clasping his hands, he whispered a prayer, before dragging himself away with the heaviest heart in all the world.
Candle in hand, he pulled the windows open. Sucking in a big breath, Kenji carefully stepped through, to walk alone slippery roofing with steel-wrapped feet. It took precious time, but eventually, he got to the point where he could jump a gap and land atop the stone walls of the quart yard.
Recalling memories from the last battle, Kenji's heart sank. From Arthur's perspective, the intruder had been deadly fast, wickedly skilled and had only gotten wounded at all due to his fear of the white fire and Kenji's suicidal tackle. How the previous guards managed to wound the assassin at all was beyond Kenji's understanding. Even wounded, the assassin was likely to be faster and more experienced.
Kenji needed a plan.
Activating his blessing of [sight], the white eye burned in his forehead, his perception becoming incredibly detailed. Ahead he made out the slightest impressions in the dirt of the invisible assassin. Behind him splattered blotches of blue, the assassin managing to fling the droplets in a haphazard manner as he staggered towards the gate.
”Come out and plaaaAAaaay,” Kenji said in his best horror film voice, scraping the stone at his feet with his gauntlet.
The assassin turned on a dime to see Kenji crash into stone, pain flaring up and down his legs. He forced himself to ignore the damage, focusing everything on the show.
”I killed you,” came a regal voice. Invisibility shuddering, the creature slowly revealed itself. ”Tch, out of mana.” A dark cape, two little white fangs, ashen skin and slanted eyes filled with crimson orbs that held the weight of a Lord in their depths. Rising tall, the Vampire assassin stared with a hungering bloodthirst right into Kenji's soul.
”You made a mistake. You can't kill what's already dead ooOOoo~” Kenji said in his best-haunted tone. The way the vampire stepped back, one hand clenched to one of the wounds in his side, Kenji thought it was working.
”I hate this damned world. My first dead hero and it was some kind of lich-”
”Liches are magic users,” Kenji said against his better judgment. ”I would be closer to a Deathknight.”
”Did you not just use Holy magic before?” The vampire's eyebrow twitched. ”And since when can those associated with a holy power become undead anyway? This game suuuuucks.”
”Ever heard of the Lich King? he was a paladin that became a Deathknight- but he had lich in the title- bah! never mind,” Kenji growled.
”So- not really a ghost then?” The Vampire Assasin smirked.
”What number are you?” Kenji stalked closer. Activating his magic focus, the silver candle becoming lit with a little white flame. Drawing on its holy essence, Kenji cast [Bless-fire] on his sword, white fire erupting along its steel edge.
”Number....? 16, and you?” The Vampire leaned closer to the ground and flickered a blade from fine noble sleaves into each hand. Even worse, Kenji realised he had stopped bleeding as his eyes had started to flare red.
”What. Number?” The vampire said, licking his lips as his white fangs lengthened, and claws burst through his gloves.
”Your XP...you spent it,” Kenji said as he realised. Spitting to the side, Kenji lowered his helm. ”I'm 1.”
That made the bastard's eyes go wide, Kenji already swinging his flaming sword before he could recover.
”DAARIO?” The Vampire screamed, moving like water and yet startled, proved too slow. Kenji's sword plunged into his shoulder, cutting through like butter, darkness and blue blood exploding outward.
”I'm sorry Daario, I didn't know this was your turf! I'll do what you ask - just don't kill me!”
Cleaving down into his belly, the Vampire screamed.