2 Chapter 2 - Embryo (1/2)
”Welcome to the Everything,” came an odd voice. Kenji's mind felt like an old computer booting up for the first time in a long while.
”The embryonic stage of gestation is the period after implantation, during which all of the major organs and structures within the growing mammal are formed. This is what is happening to you now. Do not be afraid,” the voice said, so soothing and yet robotic. Like an AI so close to perfection, but with just the slightest hint of her robotic roots.
Kenji thought for a moment and decided to ask his question anyway.
”Where am I?” He said.
”The embryonic stage of gestation is the period after impla-”
”Yes, I understand you've read a dictionary. But where is this in relation to where I was?”
Peering around, Kenji stood in what some would consider being everything. A galaxy here, a few super-stars there, and a big dark patch slowly consuming it all while a white hole busily spewed all manner of galactic contents as if to fill up space. Stardust tickled his non-existent feet, and somehow a warm wind fluttered non-existent hair. It was rather odd, Kenji decided.
”You are here in the Everthing, with me,” she said. Kenji turned, a strange concept when he had no body, and was met by a naked woman with snow-white skin. Pale lips were pulled back to reveal ink-black teeth set into a beaming smile. Not just her teeth, her hair was darker than dark, her eyes wells of crude oil and every line of her face seemed a bottomless crevasse.
The strangest thing of all, however, was that Kenji felt no fear. Nothing. Not even a little pinch of his nerves affected him when presented with this monster while they floated through the Everything that was reality.
”You are quite dead, so please do not panic. Your father is taking your things from your apartment as we speak, and your mother is letting your sister know over the phone of your passing. This is quite final, by the way, so please do not attempt to ask me to be reborn there. You are dead, the only way now is forward onto somewhere new.”
”Those bastards...what was the point? Why put me through that machine at all?”
The woman tilted her head to one side.
”I thought that rather obvious. So you can be here, of course.”
”And what am I to do? You know, seeing that I'm 'here'” Kenji said, wishing he had a foot to tap. Or fingers with which to display a very certain gesture. Perhaps it was for the best he couldn't do so on reflection, whatever this woman was, this god, Kenji realised it might be best to not to antagonize her.
”Because if this is heaven then I would like a top of the line gaming rig for starters. We can talk about which wishes I'll ask for next once I download the latest patch of wo-”
”You will choose one of two paths, and be reborn into a new world,” The woman said, quite uncaring for the desires of the recently deceased. ”A world filled with magic, monsters, adventure and opportunity. Although, you are not as evil as the rest. Which is a problem, my brother said only the most wicked would be passing through,” the woman frowned, cracks darker than distant black holes spreading across otherwise gorgeous features.
”Do I get powers then? Like in the games, a magic sword, or the ability to win the heart of any woman with a kiss?”
”Crude, but close. You get two options as I said. The first is a mix and match. Here are your current attributes,” with a wave, the knowledge became nestled in whatever Kenji currently had for a head. Activating something, a menu appeared:
[ Name: Kenji ]