Chapter 792: Ripples (1/2)

Azarinth Healer Rhaegar 74440K 2022-07-23

“When is all this going to be announced to the public?” Walter asked, looking towards Trian and Claire.

“Some of it is happening as we speak. Aki is moving the Guardians into every city of the Accords, and deals are being prepared to offer machines to various allies. It won’t be as simple as teleportation gates, with how dangerous the machines actually are, but they should be allowed for various services like monster subjugation,” Trian explained.

“Like mercenaries?” Lucia asked.

“It really just depends on what the various countries and cities are comfortable with. They are controlled by a member of the Accords, which means most wouldn’t replace their guard with them, but they could fulfill a lot of tasks. For very little gold,” Trian said.

Lucia looked at Walter. “We could use a few of them here too. The undead are just too stupid for most tasks. And granpa bones’ skeletons only dig.”

“You should be able to order Guardians from any city of the Accords soon enough,” Trian said.

“I can’t imagine the chaos that will cause,” Walter murmured. “You’re replacing so many professions with one fell swoop.”

“The same was true with the gates,” Trian said. “More people will be able to pursue complex tasks instead, the study of magic, art, performances.”

“Cooking,” Ilea added.

“Yes, but you’ll have unrest, with machines replacing entire businesses,” Walter said. “And poverty, with thousands unable to work.”

“The Accords will provide basic housing and food to everyone that lives in their cities,” Trian said. “It’s necessary, and those who are no longer able to support themselves will have to either push their governments to provide the same, or move to one of our cities.”

“And you can provide… all that?” Walter asked.

“Easily,” Trian said. “Eregar’s Haven is an incredible source of food, nature mages providing more than enough already for nearly twice our current population. Parts of the Descent will be added to it, maintained by more mages and the Meadow itself. With the teleportation network, most of the required logistics fall away too. We already have prices of common foods dropping massively all throughout the Plains. And housing… well, Morhill is still growing, as is the underground of Ravenhall. The Meadow has been expanding on Hallowfort since its arrival, but most importantly, we now have access to dozens of Taleen cities, including Iz itself. Wealth or a sought after profession, maybe a position in the guard, studying magic, or being a Sentinel, will all provide more luxuries, but basic needs we can cover.”

He drank from his mug and took in a deep breath. “Yeah, even with thousands arriving in Ravenhall every day… they might have to wait for a few days or weeks, maybe in a dwarven city or in Hallowfort, but they’ll get a place to stay. Earth mages and architects will be more than busy in the coming months, I imagine.

“Of course we’re hoping the economic pressure will push other countries to provide similar things. Most should have benefited greatly from the gates, and if they employ Guardians for a few menial tasks, it will open up a lot of resources they could spend on their people. Not that all of them will of course, but the pressure remains. And we’ll happily take everyone in,” he said.

“It seems… very generous,” Walter murmured.

“We have the technology,” Ilea said. “Why wouldn’t we provide those things?”

Walter laughed. “There are plenty of reasons.”

“Oh, I know,” Ilea said.

“Walter, I don’t think you quite understand the scope of the Guardian army,” Trian said. “There are millions of machines. And thanks to the gate network, they can travel between cities in mere seconds. Housing and food provisions were merely added as a basic necessity. We’re discussing the removal of taxation for most individuals that live in our cities, free education in magics, free martial training. The gates alone have connected the Plains and the few settlements outside… it’s only been months and we’re struggling to invest the gold flowing into our cities. I have the feeling our resources were already comparable to the Empire of Lys, now we eclipse the entirety of human civilization.”

The barkeeper leaned back a little before he chuckled.

“You didn’t mention the production facilities,” Ilea said as she continued eating.

Claire rubbed her temples before she topped up her drink with liquor. “There is so much to do.”

“It’ll be fine. Aki and the Meadow are on the job,” Ilea said. “We can celebrate a little. Take a few days off.”

“No. How could I miss these pivotal days,” Claire said. “This evening is more than enough, after that it’s back to Hallowfort. There are treaties to be written, meetings to be attended… plans to be made.” She leaned down to rest her head on her hands and grinned.

“She’s lost,” Ilea said.

“I kind of get it,” Train said. “The world is changing. And let’s be honest, you’re at the center of it all.”

“Eh, I just survived some heat and put a dagger where it could do some good,” Ilea said.

“You also got a tree back from another realm,” Kyrian said as he raised his mug. “And me from those islands.”

“That too,” she said. “But stop it, I already have a fucking cult following.”

“And you managed to befriend not only the Cerithil Hunters, but the Taleen in turn. You’re basically a god!” Trian said before he laughed.

“Stop,” Ilea said.

“But yes, you’re mostly useful because of your incredible resilience,” he said. “Immortal god of toughness maybe? Invincible Lilith?”

“How about just Ilea,” she said.

“To a changing world then,” Celene said and raised her glass.

“To Lilith,” Weavy said.

“To the Accords, and everyone in it,” Ilea said, raising her mug before she downed the contents.

Lucia smiled before she tapped Walter’s arm. “Dear, it’s time. Get your lute.”

He smiled and stood up. “I wrote a few new ones. Might just be the occasion to show them off.”


Syrithis sat motionless, taking deliberate breaths as Heron read through the official announcements sent out by the Accords. Rarely was she as glad for her mask as today. She could tell even Alyris was impacted by the news.

“… the Sentinel of Akelion, a member of the Meadow Accords and ally to the Medic Sentinel Corps has taken control of the remaining Guardians and their facilities. Any Guardian activity within the territory of the Accords and its allies is thus to be tolerated. Any attacks on such machines will be seen as an attack on the Accords. Potential additions to trade agreements and provided services will include…”

Syrithis balled her fist as a ringing came to her ears, the sound drowning out Heron’s words as her vision blurred ever so slightly. She took in another deep breath, feeling her heartbeat speed up. For once she didn’t care that the Generals and nobles of Lys saw more of her than the cold guise of an Immortal Guard.

Did they do it. Father… I… the Hunters. The Taleen are no longer in control of their machines. The Cerithil Hunters have fulfilled their purpose. She tried to wipe at her face but the mask blocked her hand, the tears rolling down into her armor. She took in a deep breath and shuddered slightly. Her vision cleared a little. She saw Alyris looking her way, the silver eyes of the Empress grounding her. Her hair was open today. She wanted to go over to her, wanted to kiss her, wanted to shout and laugh.

Later, she reminded herself, steeling her mind as she smiled to herself. Were you there in the end? Isalthar? Or was it Lilith herself who fought the machines, who defeated the previous controller?

“… currently yet to be public information includes the addition of the dwarves of Io to the Meadow Accords. They shall benefit from the same rights as other members of the accords as stated in article 18b of the general work treaty, article 28 of the open trade agreement, article…”

Dwarves of Io. Io. Syrithis tried to remember if she had heard the name before. She opened her eyes wide when the name clicked. A goddess of the Taleen. Her father had taught her about more than just the machines they had faced. A minor goddess, she remembered. One that stood for shelter. Shelter and survival.

“Alyris. The Dwarves of Io, I believe they are the remnants of the Taleen,” she sent to the Empress.

The woman looked at her, no reaction showing on her face. Alyris knew what Syrithis knew. They were perhaps the only two people in the room to understand the true extent of this news. The potential addition of the Taleen to the Accords was an unknown so far, little being known about the dwarves, let alone in recent history. They had to learn more. The Guardians however.

“How dangerous are the Taleen machines truly?” General Anderson asked. “I have not faced them in my travels, though I have read of them.”

“They are quite formidable,” General Karrick spoke. “Many are in the two hundreds, some reaching level three hundred. Though I have only visited two ruins that contained them.”

Children, Syrithis thought.

Alyris stood up, the gathered nobility quieting. She closed her eyes for a moment before she looked around the room. “We have to assume that this… Sentinel of Akelion, is capable of destroying the entirety of our Empire. Perhaps the entirety of the Plains.”

Others were standing up now, mutters and whispers offered in response.

Alyris slammed the table with a ring, a pulse of magic rushing out. “I declare a state of emergency until we have gathered every scrap of information that will provide a clearer picture. Activate every spy and spare no expense to find out… what the fuck, all of this entails. This meeting will not end until we have addressed every possible agreement, treaty, and outcome. Gather your allies and call in every favor. This might very well threaten the existence of our very Empire. Now focus, and get to work.”

Syrithis smiled and watched the hall explode into motion. The meetings during the siege of Virilya had been calm, the Empress rarely speaking up as the Generals decided on resource allocation. Never had she heard Alyris talk in this manner. And the message was clear.

“Syrithis,” Alyris sent through the established connection.

She stood up and stored the ceremonial robe around her armor. “I will find her.”